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To me it makes no sense to have an editorial license for the hair set, considering there are literally millions of men with the same hairstyles, facial hair, and eyebrow shape walking around right now, and millions more that have had the same throughout the years. I can fully understand the other two products, but not the hair product. It would have made more sense (to me anyway) to release a generic version of the hair set with a standard license and have bonus fits/morphs for it in with the character product. This would have been an instant buy for me with a standard license, but unfortunately, I will pass.
I didn't see this. I spent too much time typing when a simple phrase would have done the job. LOL
It is literally the same hair shape and color I have had for 20+ years. Not to mention various combinations of facial hair - beard, goatee, mustache, etc. Obviously a my bad because I didn't think to look closely at the license for such a common hair style. I will likely return it. I was really hoping to make a 3D-me.
You are right about the hair. I can't understand it even with the expressions; they don't have very much to do with typical SC facial expressions. But since they are exclusive to this character, I guess they must fall under the license.
It doesn't affect me as a pure hobbyist, since my pictures may be shown publicly as long as I don't make a profit with them. I hope I have understood this correctly.
Especially in this case it is essential for survival to strictly follow the rules, because if his heirs are only one tenth as irritable as the blessed Sir SC, then God have mercy on anyone who breaks the rules... ;-)
I would imagine that it has to have the editorial licence due to the fact that every single promo image features the SC-character so it's clearly obvious what it is. Had most of the promo images been with other characters, maybe with one SC version snuck in near the end, then it may have gotten away with it.
Everyone who buys something that uses this license needs to remember that it just gets thrown in with all of your other content and thus could be used accidentaly very easily especially if you have a large library.
Daz really needs to have the installers put this type of content into it's own folder in the Library
First, I bought all three items and have used them in a private render with no issue. But what if I had posted that render on the DAZ Forums/Gallery and someone sampled it to use with AI technology and sell the resulting product, even if they didn't attribute the base render to me and the heirs tracked it down and sued them and me?
Second, the name 'Unforgettable' in the naming of all three items ensures you will remember. I have charts of all my characters/morphs packs and my hairs and there I have noted in big red letters a note about that there is an Editorial License and not to post a render, nor use the products in with any other character. And that is a pity, because yes, that hair is a natural product our bodies produce and is styled by another person. That is like a company coming along and putting a copywrite on the word 'water' since they bottle water from a well from the earth and through some chemicals in it.
First, I bought all three items and have used them in a private render with no issue. But what if I had posted that render on the DAZ Forums/Gallery and someone sampled it to use with AI technology and sell the resulting product, even if they didn't attribute the base render to me and the heirs tracked it down and sued them and me?
The curse of knowing lawyers who deal with copyright and patent! Simply speaking, the heirs would have no case against you. You are not liable for some secondary unlawful use when you are using a product lawfully. You didn't voluntarily submit the image for sampling. It would be interesting to see how the heirs would prove that the specific sample was yours.
I updated the listing thread:
Sorry for the lateness, I'm currently not at the PC very often.
Thank you @nemesis10. I appreciate the answer.
Biogenetic Suit (which itself has the standard license) appears to show the Easy Snap Alien Base and Mars Spiders in its promo renders, both of which have an editorial license. Woudn't that be against the rules of the editorial license? Honest question.
Worth noting for context that midnight_stories is the vendor for all of those. I don't know if they are bound by the restrictions the same as everyone else.
edit: Logically, they would not have purchased those products under the EL since they have the original files.
so what is this from to get the el treatment? game, movie? can't see it as a real life vehicle you could buy
Looks a little like a Citreon to me, that's probably why.
A Citroën 2CV is a real vehicle. So basing the design on a converted version of that and using the name means it has to get that licence.
The model so bad, that for the same reason this would need EL for resembling 80's Ford LTD
That's actually an accurate model of a 1978 Fabulous American Roomy Transport "Deluxe Sedan", a brand that was known for their superb line of high quality clown cars, but this particular vehicle was specifically made for the NYPD during their "Tall Hat" uniform period... the extra tall roof and tiny wheels allowed easy egress into and out of the vehicle without disturbing the four foot tall hat.
The high ceiling also allowed for transport of criminal suspects with cartoonishly large heads, which was phenomenon that plagued NYC during the late 70s to early 80s.
FART went out of business in 1980 when the NYPD stopped wearing tall hats and most circuses switched to discounted end of model run 1980 AMC Pacers, the ultimate clown car.
The remaining inventory was purchased by FORD who also bought the rights to the name (the similarity in the names led to much brand confusion in the 1930s), and all the remaining vehicles were dumped off the coast of Virginia as part of an artificial reef project specifically for the preservation of the Very Large Headed Sea Bass.
We do have this product:, which has no EL but resembles the 2CV just as closely. However it does not use the name, so is that the determining factor? Probably not, as we have items with ELs that do not use the original's name. Of course when teuf-teuf came out, there was no EL available.
2CV is also a trademarked name so that definitely has something to do with it.
So, if they'd simply named it Sand Buggy or something, it could have been a normal, commercial-renders capable product?
well there was a hair that had was named after a character that had that hair style that was turned into a el product because of that naming
on a side note though the way things have been going with most if not all new vehicles getting the el does that mean all new cars and other vehicles go that way unless they are totally creator created/designed and unique or simple basic very generic looking?
here's one for you I love retro scifi do you think those scifi concept cars they came up with in the 50s with the tail fins, bubble cars - they had those domes like old ufos, and don't know how to describe it those rocket heads protruding out of the front and 1940/1950s cars in general get away with not having an el? I have seen some old style car models think released but not sure if before the EL started on products. Down here in Tasmania btw see a lot of restored old cars on our roads. Must be some generic styles can get away without an EL. Maybe if there were some guidlines tips that DAZ can write up to help creators in their creation process if they want to create products that don't fall into the EL
Same here. What if we accidentally sell something we forgot had the horrible nuissance?!!!
Bummer. I guess Unforgettable has to become forgotten
I'm a little surprised the doesn't have an editorial license, given it's named after the show/books.
What show/books? I am not finding anything.
Maybe this series of books:
Yes, that's the one (tv series link: - attached a shot of the cafeteria from it.
XI Muscle Dragster Car - side & front profile inspired by 1970s Mopar-edition Challengers; rear lights more 1969 Mustangs.