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We truly need an option to hide editorial products like the one for the "mature" in the users' profile page.
It would be easy and smooth to shop like the good old days, when I didn't need to double check every item in my cart to be sure to not get an editorial licensed product.
Not Happy about this
Last night when I put this in my cart it had both interactive and 3d print licenses I also put the 3d license in my cart.
Checked out this morning without paying any attention and before seeing this thread so after checking my receipt I see that the 3d print was removed when I checked out and I wasn't charged for it.
If a product is going to be editorial licensed they need to make sure that when it goes up that the license is correct
Yes -- put it in my cart last night, now I find it has changed to the editorial license. It's a shame -- nice product, but...
The Shire Folk Armoury for Genesis 9, 8, and 8.1 Texture Add-On
And another item that didn't show the editorial license shortly after the changeover when I put it in my cart. I didn't buy as I expected it would get an editorial license, but yet again, early buyers could have checked out with the item shown as a standard license.
I'm not too bothered about this one. I can create similar textures easily enough if I buy the base pack. Or model something similar for the swords. I already have my own One Ring anyway, made in Blender, and it is precioussss to me!
sorry Nath but you need to go back and edit all your links and remove the trailing semicolon that gives an ooops page
Although this version of it, while obviously influenced by Universal's design, is arguably distinct enough that it shouldn't require the EL.
This is happening to often
It happened with the Jon 8.1 bundle and with several others as well
I wonder if anybody has bought any of the products before the editorial license was added; and if so whether or not they have the standard license showng in their product library ???
I did and no they show Editorial in my library,
Seems that the change took place during the checkout process
As stated in a previous post I had a 3d print license included with one which was removed during the checkout process so I wasn't charged for it
What do we think about the Star Trek items apparently being pulled from the store?
Yes, that's what I think. And all I dare to say.
Daz has, for the time being, removed some fan-art product pages while they are under review. Lets not start speculating why.
OK. Thank you.
You will notice I was careful not to do that. As one opposed to the sale of fan art here and use of EL license, I am happy to see it and I hope they are pulled permanently.
Interesting to see Tolkien inspired items being sold. From what I know of the Tolkien Estate (which owns the rights), Middle Earth, Valinor, & even Mordor are - shall I say? - Precioussss - to them. For example, they wouldn't sell rights to use The Silmarillion, only the Lord of the Rings' appendices, as source material for Amazon's The Rings of Power series. This is one reason, I believe, besides condensing millennia of fictional history, that the series doesn't follow canon timeline and details as closely as many fans wished.
All I can say is:
Not speculating, but sharing my experience:
I have Star Trek related items, in two print-on-demand stores (I'll link below in a shameless plug :P) which have a Fan Art Program in which you can submit items from certain IPs. Those items have to be tagged in a specific way to be approved, and once approved they are sold in the store, you get the saem revenue you would get normally, but they have the "Approved by CBS" stamp at the bottom of the page.
My wife and I created a lot of minimalistic star trek "portraits", Many were accepted, some were not, and we received DMCA takedown requests, and we were not allowed to re-upload the items. One of the stores (the Redbubble one) still has all the items as they have not been subject to further review, but several of the items in Teepublic have been struck down recently by a DMCA takdown (after having been accepted into the Fan Art program for like 6-7 yerars).
My experience is that Paramount Global/CBS every now and again they do a sweep to see if anything is infringing on their Ips, especially Star Trek (a brand that survives in spite of how Paramount treat their trekkie fans). In this case, I'm not surprised this has happened as it was a possibility from day one, even when Daz announced that they were negotiating to have official "fan art" items a couple of years back.
As you say, now the only thing is to wait and see what happend with those items.
Of course, there is another more glaring reason.
"Cannot play with them. Cannot win with them. Cannot coach with them. Can't do it."
I am not surprised at all. Fan Art is fine and okay as long as no one expects to make one cent or more for it. The minute you monetize it, it's game over.
I'm more surprised by how much stuff still gets to stay.
I believe you can find a list of authorized licences at the site Middle earth enterprises.
Well, if it makes any difference, it's obvious from space who Unforgettable is supposed to be, whereas I can't guess who Unrivaled is. That might just be me, though. Personally, I thought Unforgettable was the closest AlFan came to the danger zone since Queen of Desires.
For me the test is "If I use this figure in a story, will everyone assume I am TRYING to say it's this person/actor/IP?" I don't give a flying leap about EL since I don't charge money for any of my Studio work, but I don't want people saying "Oh, hey, the alien species in this story is very clearly supposed to be [such and such from this film or TV show]." Hence I cannot buy the G8 Lekkulians, ever, nor Unforgettable, nor (especially) Mousso's Mina, Rain, Sharon, Miley, Revel ...
EDIT: A slight correction: I do own Sharon ... who looks a lot less like the person she's based on in practical renders. But Mina, for example, could never be anybody except Ms Eyes Too Far Apart.
I recognized him the moment I saw him.
Movie "The Fast and the Furious", Brian O'Conner (aka Paul Walker (RIP))
Ah! Yes, I suppose so. Less recognizable a doppleganger than Unforgettable, but then, the person Unforgettable is based on had an extremely recognizable face, especially as he aged. (I was being oblique to avoid naming real-world names.) And that would certainly tie in with the feature promotion today ...
(You can also deduce some things here about what films and such I watch! I haven't seen any of the films in that series.)
I was wondering who today's character was - not because the likeness isn't good but because I never saw any movies in that series. I see the resemblance now that it is pointed out.
I wonder if Daz is aware that the word "droid" is a registered trademark of Lucasfilm.
Given the nature of the whole Daz Fan Art project, I doubt the word matters. I have a hard time wrapping my brain around Daz's change in position on this.