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I don't know if it is a big deal, but I got Daz working on my Alienware x17 with external GPU.
Not only did it recognise the internal GPU (3070) but it also registered the external breakout GPU (1070)
Yes, that's very strange. DIM works great, but you have to put your P/W in each time. Anyone know why that is?
What worked for me was downloading the nvidia-libs and install them
cd ~/Downloads
cd nvidia-libs-release
WINEPREFIX=/home/USER_NAME/.wine ./ install
It doesn't work for me, it shows the Nvidia RTX in the list, but if I click render and disable the cpu fallback, it never uses the GPU. How to fix?
After installing this is what happens, it sees the gpu but won't work:
Using OptiX version 7.3.0 2023-10-06 20:12:22.962 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\pluginsource\DzIrayRender\dzneuraymgr.cpp(369): Iray [ERROR] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend error: optixInit() failed: Library not found. Please update your NVIDIA driver ( to at least 471.41. 2023-10-06 20:12:22.962 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\pluginsource\DzIrayRender\dzneuraymgr.cpp(369): Iray [WARNING] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend warn : CUDA device 0 (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090) is no longer available for rendering. 2023-10-06 20:12:22.962 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\pluginsource\DzIrayRender\dzneuraymgr.cpp(369): Iray [WARNING] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend warn : CUDA device 0 (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090) is no longer available for rendering. 2023-10-06 20:12:22.963 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\pluginsource\DzIrayRender\dzneuraymgr.cpp(369): Iray [WARNING] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend warn : All available GPUs failed. 2023-10-06 20:12:22.963 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\pluginsource\DzIrayRender\dzneuraymgr.cpp(369): Iray [ERROR] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend error: Fallback to CPU not allowed. 2023-10-06 20:12:22.963 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\pluginsource\DzIrayRender\dzneuraymgr.cpp(369): Iray [ERROR] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend error: CUDA device 0 (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090): Device initialization failed, will not be used 2023-10-06 20:12:22.966 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend info : Rendering with 0 device(s): 2023-10-06 20:12:22.966 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend info : Rendering... 2023-10-06 20:12:22.966 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\pluginsource\DzIrayRender\dzneuraymgr.cpp(369): Iray [ERROR] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend error: No worker to render with: aborting render
Ok so far, after cursing all the divinities from the begin of the human history, these are my attempts:
NOTE: every attempt has been made re-formatting the machine.
Distro: MX Linux
Attempt 1:
- Install repo deb drivers
- Install wine staging
- Install libraries \ optix
- Install daz
- Video card seen, unable to render.
- Curse some god.
Attempt 2:
- install cuda drivers
- install wine staging
- innstall libraries \ optix
- install daz
- video card shown as "CUDA 123912", unable to render.
- Curse other gods
Attempt 3:
- remove all os-drivers (MX Linux)
- try to install from NVIDIA .sh official script
- failed
- Curse nvidia developers, their mothers, and other gods.
Attempt 4:
- install repo deb drivers
- install lutris
- install libraries \ optix
- install daz
- Video card shown as "CUDA 123912", unable to render
- Cursed more gods
Attempt 5:
- install cuda deb drivers
- install lutris
- install ibraries \ optix
- install daz
- No video card shown
- Cursed more gods
Attempt 6:
- install repo deb drivers
- install playonlinux
- tried to install stuff, nothing works, broken links from playonlinux "winetricks" parallel tool
- cursed playonlinux dev
- cursed gods
- cursed nvidia developers
Attempt 7:
- install repo dev drivers
- install crossover
- install libraries \ optix
- install daz
- no video card shown
- cursed all deities from the birth of human race.
If someone has a solution or a STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE this is the moment to give it. Because I've been struggling for 3 bloody days, and got nothing but rage for Daz developers.
This isn't something that Daz supports, or claims will work.
Welp, turns out I was missing the OpenCL package for nvidia, so I just installed opencl-nvidia and now everything works including dForce. Yay!
After an update, my bottles config with the gpu-rendering is no longer working. Beeing a linux noob I'm not sure what's new or changed.
debian 12
bottles 51.9
nvidia-driver 525.125.06-1~deb12u1
nvidia-libs v0.7.11-0-g0eea65a and v0.7.12-0-g8ab228d
Hope you are having better luck than me.
Sadly latest update to DAZ Studio (4.22) uses a newer version of Iray that require CUDA 11.8. I have tried for well over a year now to bypass the "compatibility check" that newer versions of CUDA uses (11.6 and newer), but sadly i am not able to fix that.
So.. as of november 2023 and DAZ Studio 4.22 it is NOT supported by nvidia-libs.
I will keep trying, but as i said - i have been trying MY very best to get around this to no avail
For those interested (and maybe knowing some C code) i am tracking the issue here: (It also includes a link to the nvcuda issue that i am not able to solve).
Thanks for all your work so far! I wish I could help :(
Can we maybe just replace the iray in daz studio with the older version? The iray dlls seem to be in DAZStudio4/libs/iray.
I've been running with a WINE staging version for quite some time (8.20, atm) and could use GPU rendering, but after the latest driver updates (12.3.101 according to the version.json), GPU rendering is not an option. GPU works fine under Blender in native Linux.
This seems to be a popular bug caused by the triple buffering in the proprietary nvidia driver when used with wine. To fix this, you need to set the environment variable __GL_MaxFramesAllowed=1 when launching. Here is an example of how I do it in my .desktop file:
This bug also affects Photoshop CS6 as well as a lot of other software and can be fixed the same way. More info on the bug here:
Is there any such option that will keep Studio from resizing down while loading a scene or rendering?
Seems to be an issue with your window manager. You're using Linux Mint Cinnamon? I don't get this issue on Linux Mint XFCE. You could dig around your window manager settings to see if there's something you can change. You could also try running winecfg and disabling "Allow the window manager to control the windows" under the graphics tab. Experiment with different combinations of the settings in that tab. You can also try set it to emulate a virtual desktop there and set the same resolution as your desktop and see if that helps.
Yep, running Mint with Cinnamon. Changing the setting via winecfg did fix the resising. Now to get the GPU assist in rendering working again.
Just wanted to cofirm that this womm with 6.6.3-arch1-1 and mvidia 545.29.06
Or you can use wine's "virtual desktop" function, and just set the size to your display settings (eg. 1920 x 1080) for a "fullscreen desktop", and this issue goes away on gnome. (PS. There is a bug in early wine-8 versions where this breaks, but 8.20 and newer is working as intended).
I postponed trying to get my Nvidia card working in Daz Studio for a long time but took the plunge recently, thanks to the tips and reports from everyone here.
I am using Gentoo, and I got hardware rendering working for my GTX 1060 and also for my RTX4060. It was a bit of a puzzle, but mainly because I tried to 'git clone'; instead of downloading the tar file. To my astonishment the files from the tar file aren't even in the git repo (according to find), I have no idea how that is possible. In any case, running the commands to install did not work on my end, they resulted in errors. But downloading the tar file and installing that worked like a breeze!
I do see some trouble coming my way: One of the packages I installed thinking it was necessary, dev-util/nvidia-cuda-toolkit-12.3.1, mentions that CUDA will not work with GCC > 12, so I had to downgrade from GCC 13. However, that will only work for a short while, GCC 12 will become deprecated at some point and I don't know how stuff will proceed beyond that point. But note that I am not 100% sure it was needed.
Other info: My DAZ Studio version is antique, I have not yet tested with never versions: 4.10
I installed Lutris, but I have no idea if that helped. I did not try to install Proton.
My nvidia driver is 535.104.05, my nvidia-cuda-toolkit is 12.3.1, my Wine version is wine-staging-8.17.1
I'm very happy. Though now a new problem will start haunting me; to make sure the scene fits in the limited RAM of the card.
[EDIT] EEK! I spoke too soon! It works with the GTX1060, but NOT with the RTX4060 ! :-(
If anyone knows why that could be I'd be real interested! I used nvidia-libs 0.7.7, perhaps a newer version works, but it could be a number of reasons, perhaps the DAZ Studio version is too old...
You have made my YEAR! Thank you thank you! Confirmed here!
I found a workaround to use the Nvidia graphics card to render images with Iray.
I downloaded Nvidia Iray Server for Linux (it is a compressed file with files that are executed using bash)
I unzipped the downloaded file and ran the script
This will open a server that can be controlled from the browser by entering the url localhost:9090, there it will ask you to accept the EULA and then log in.
The default credentials are
user: admin
password: admin
When you are in the main dashboard, click on the "Start Queue" button, this will allow the server to manage Daz3D requests as soon as it is requested.

And finally, we would need to configure the Render Settings section in Daz3D.
You have to go to Render Settings > Advanced > Bridge
Once there, you configure the connection data to the server:
Server: localhost
Protocol: NO secure
Port: 9090
Username: admin
Password: admin
And finally, when you want to make a render, you just have to press the "Add to Queue[...]" button. The application will ask you to give the Job a name, any name will do.
Finally, the server will start processing the request and when it finishes, the render will be in the /results folder.
NOTE: daz3d (1) is the name of the Job that I defined before rendering.
The log pointed indeed to a too-old DAZ Studio version: "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060): compute capability 8.9: unsupported by this version of iray, please look for an update with your software provider."
I updated to Daz Studio 4.12, the only newer version I had, and that made a tremendous speed difference in the viewport, but it still refuses to use the card for rendering, and the log still gives the same reason.
It makes sense, the RTX 4xxx series wasn't invented yet when DAZ Studio 4.12 came out. Still, due do DAZ3D's unbelievably assinine policy to not provide older software versions, I'm now stuck in the mud.
Thanks a lot, Daz3D !
This worked for me.
The iray preview in the viewport also works if you enable the streaming mode. One thing to note is that streaming mode cannot be enabled (the checkbox is greyed out) when the queue is started in the web interface. The queue must first be stopped and then you can connect the streaming mode within DAZ Studio and switch the viewport to iray as usual.
In streaming mode, you can also render normally within DAZ Studio to the render window and spot render also works. The only problem I had is the render window within DAZ Studio does not show the unfinished image as it renders and will only show the result when it has finished rendering. Stopping the render partway will result in no image.
Just released a new version of nvidia libs for you to try:
Hopefully i nabbed the problems here.. atleast i seemed to be able to render with 100% GPU usage on latest version of DAZ 4.22. Let me know if there are issues (PS. Easier for me to spot if you report on the "issues" page on the github page).
Happy newyear! :)
Okay, so I just tested this myself. And by "this" I mean both methods.
The first thing I tested was nvlibs 0.7.13 and Daz Studio 4.22. I personally run Daz using Bottles and the caffe-7.2 runner. It's a little bit persnickety to install nvlibs in Bottles, but it works! It sees my GPU and I get full GPU utilization for Iray rendering. If anyone using Bottles wants some help with nvlibs, I could probably whip up a script.
Speaking of script, the script that comes with Iray Server kinda sucks. First, it assumes the working directory will always be its own location; that's pretty bad behavior. It does have to be run that way, but it assumes that it is. Second, the conventional wisdom around here is to disable CPU rendering so you don't get the CPU fallback, but the only way to do that is with a launch arugment. So for anyone using the Iray server, replace with this. (EDIT: replaced with gist; code blocks don't seem to work great here.)
Using streaming mode makes using Iray Server feel pretty darn close to using built-in Iray. I was curious about performance differences though, so I did a test by rendering my main character's base scene at 5000x5000, 100 iterations. Iray Server does it in 3 minutes and 6 seconds. Built-in Iray does it in 2 minutes and 53 seconds. Streaming the scene and the finished image may account for the 13-second difference, which means performance is likely identical. The resulting images are identical, too.
I may test again with a more complex scene to look for stronger differences; something I worry about for leaning on Iray Server is that we may not be able to guarantee that it supports all the features Daz wants to use, and has the same behaviors as built-in Iray.
But what's important at the end of the day is that thanks to ssopler's continued incredible efforts, and the findings of Etheral and pato__larax, we have two ways to use Daz Studio 4.22 and have GPU rendering. :D
EDIT 2: I went ahead and tested a much more complex scene. Again, 5000x5000, 100 iterations. Built-in got there in 17m38s. Server got there in 17m48s. So again, identical performance; the main difference just comes in uploading the scene and streaming back the results. The images are still identical, too; I haven't tried anything particularly complex like emissive volumetrics, though. There is probably always going to be a potential for incompatibility between Daz Studio and Iray Server.
Daz Studio will remember your Iray Server settings, but won't attempt to reconnect on startup. You'll have to do that yourself each time. If the computer you're doing your work on also has your strongest NVidia GPU, you are probably better served setting up nvlibs 0.7.13 in your Daz Studio Wine prefix. However, there is potential here if you want to work on a more comfy computer, but you have a strong NVidia GPU somewhere else in your home network.
Thank you for testing.
If you make a bottles script, i'd be happy to make some tests and include that in the nvlibs archive if you think it could be useful.
I'd love to use DAZ in my linux box. Also use AMD cards instead of Nvidia, but Iray is the thing that sets everything apart i think. Blender works in Linux though.
I just tested it. Daz 4.22 wine staging 9.0 RC3
Works just peachy.
If you computer is newer, try this build of MX Linux