Hair for Laguna Naoka Props?
in The Commons
These hair adornments are for the Naoka Hair but I could not locate the hair in the DAZ Shop.
I was hoping to purchase the Hair which they are design for, however it does state that they can be used with any hair.
Does anyone know the link to Naoka Hair?
Thank you so much!
The search feature of the store displayed no results when I tried using "naoko hair" and "mermaid hair". Strange.
Does anyone know which model is used for the Laguna Mermaid? G3, G2, V4?
She is pictured with ribbed, pointed ears. But the product does not state which model comes with these ears. (see attached)
Don't feel bad, it did the same for me when i searched with the same keywords, very odd.
This or this
Just search Laguna and you'll see everything.
OK, So I'm not going crazy. Thanks
Try searching for Laguna, it has everything.
Thanks so much. they don't come up in search. But I appreciate the links.
Wouldn't DAZ want the search feature to work effectively? I don't get it.
Everything came up for me when I searched Laguna
For some reason it shows as mature. Make sure you allow mature content.
I did that, but it says "7 results" and only displays 4.
I do not have the box check to hide items already purchased.
Ah ha!
Thank you!
Merged the two threads as there was considerable overlap.