Will there be an Aiko 9 and Girl 9?

Just wondering if [Aiko 9 and Girl 9] those characters will be created or have the characters ran their course?
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
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Just wondering if [Aiko 9 and Girl 9] those characters will be created or have the characters ran their course?
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I think one could argue that Pixie 9 is already achieving a lot of what the The Girl did in previous generations (a generally cute stylised "European" ethnicity), although you may need to dial in a breast implant slider.
Whomever edited my post acted without regard and did so with malice. The original sentence was correct as the subject was in the title and did not have to be repeated.
In Richard's defense, it's literally in the forum rules that you have to repeat the subject. No malice was involved.
So an author has no say regarding how his or her is written? Anyone is allowed to alter another persons post without permission? In that case, why have a forum section at all?
No, it was altererd by a moderator.
If a post breaks forum rules/guidelines, moderators are indeed allowed to edit or remove it.
In this case, the rule exists because it's important that the full question is in the post body for the purpose of the forum's search function.
The I will never post again. Goodbye
Nobody acted with malice, you are supposed to repeat the subject as per forum rules so that your post can be understood without the title.
As for the original question, it's quite likely they will appear since they've been core figures for many generations, but there's no guarantee.
Of those I like The Girl 8 extended set & The Guy 7 extended set the best. I would enjoy seeing the gals in 40s Pinup Art style hair and makeup, same as last time, & the guys in the same time period which I think means certain hair styles and an occasional mustache. Trying to think of a beard from that time period and I can't, but then I wasn't alive then so I'm sure some had beards.
I also still would like Ollie 8 & Edie 8 equivalents for Genesis 9, but not exact copies.
I kinda liked the Girl 7 with the ability to make her seem just a little more realistic and a little less cartoonish, though enough can be retained to give it that Girl quality, and I was also able to obtain a sort of converter to make Girl 8 seem more like Girl 7. In all, it made The Girl a lovable cartoon character.
That's why I'm waiting for a Girl 9.
The anime character morphs for G9 feel like proper sequels to Aiko and Hiro and they're free.
Not sure if there's much point to responding here if the O.P. has walked, but ever since AIko 5, the Aiko name has been used as a generic a catch-all name for anything vaguely anime or video game related that, so while it's possible there might be a Gen 9 version, there's very little way of telling what it would actually be or what she might look like. As for the Girl 9... she's become so cartoony and unrealistic in her proportions that I don't really see much purpose in introducing a G9 version when there are plenty of previous versions that won't have the bending issues that a Girl 9 would have. That said, DAZ seems to have been really pruning down the number of names that carry over from generation to generation, and I think that's a good thing, as those who loved a particular previous generation are often disappointed in namesakes that don't adhere to what those people think said namesake "should" look like.
Yeah, figures.
Ahh well, a guaranteed saving of 100% for me on this, then. So, Aiko 3 is [still] King Queen.
It is disappointing. I'd love to try Aiko 9 but I won't risk downloading killswitch content into my library. Never did when it was called Connect Encrypted Content, not going to do it now that they've rebranded it Premier Exclusive.
Aiko 9 is another perk of having Premier. If you spend any money in the store, the subscription tier is worth having. Saves you a lot of money, too.
From what little can be seen since there is not even a product page. It does not even look like Aiko at all. It just has the name.
Back to Aiko 9 herself... honestly, from the handfull of images that I've seen, I think she's less than impressive, as she's apparently just a shape rather than a full character. She doesn't doesn't look like anything that you couldn't achieve with Vicky 9 and a bit of dial spinning, and if you want that tall-gawky early 80s look, I think Sakura 2 for Genesis 3 had a better body design.
Aiko 9 has been released and she's a free download BUT only for Premi members and only while they are Premi members if they stop being one they'll lose her whether or not the rest of us can buy her later is unknown and since PMs lose her if they don't continue probably not
2 things:
1. Where is Stephanie 9? Would love to see an updated version of 6 brought to 9. That was peak Stephanie.
2. I thought the tokens for Prem were 1 for every 5 bucks? I had a total of $35+ in my cart and was only getting 6 tokens.
This is not another thread about Premier, so that section of the posts has been removed.
Boy, do I agree. If I spend my hard-earned money, I expect that what I buy is mine forever. I feel bad for everyone who waited so long and wished so hard.