CYBER V4 (commercial)



  • SedorSedor Posts: 1,764
    edited December 1969

    Hehe... *hm* I've never combined a V4 (based) character with Genesis... Would be interesting to see how it works...

  • LycanthropeXLycanthropeX Posts: 2,287
    edited December 1969

    DzFire™ said:
    Cool! I was wondering when someone was going to use both in a scene. Now I wait to see who combines them ;)

    that may violate the TOS lol

  • SedorSedor Posts: 1,764
    edited December 1969

    DzFire™ said:
    Cool! I was wondering when someone was going to use both in a scene. Now I wait to see who combines them ;)

    that may violate the TOS lol

    Uh... Combining that way... okay... *LOL*

  • MaloneXIMaloneXI Posts: 145
    edited February 2013

    Hi all .

    I don't often post messages , but for now , I'm blocked.

    I just get the cyborg V4 , like you, and I would want to mix the Vicky 4.2 model with this fabulous cyborg model. But there is certainly one thing I forgot.

    I make some renders to make a kind of book that tells some stories. And I'm a really big fan of cybernetic models, and sci-fi in general.

    Here are some of my shots :

    Well , etc...

    I do my best with what I have.

    But as a fan of cybernetic , I would make my own cyborg , mi human , mi robot , but I don't understand how to conform... When I'm trying to conform de C4 with Vicky 4.2 , it doesn't work , someone could help , please ?

    Thanx a lot.

    (In fact, I'm just using Poser after years , and models have changed. I don't understand anymore what Genesis are , if they are compatible with poser etc. I don't have dazstudio, I make my poses on poser , and render them into an other render engine. WTF the poser world has became lol. What is genesis ? Do I need it to make the cyborg conforming to V4 ?...please help)

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    Post edited by MaloneXI on
  • MaloneXIMaloneXI Posts: 145
    edited December 1969

    And what I get :

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  • SedorSedor Posts: 1,764
    edited December 1969

    Do you want some human part visible and some cyborg parts?

    If that's what you want, you have just to make the body part you don't need/want invisible. You can do that by selecting the body part and then go to the scene tab and just click at the "eye" symbol at the left of your selected body part - or you go to the surface tab and set the opacity of the surface you want to be invisible to "0".

  • MaloneXIMaloneXI Posts: 145
    edited December 1969

    Yep I know that. But for now , I want the cyborg model to conform more than very well to Vicky body...

  • edited December 1969

    I'm having conforming problems as well. The feet get all twisted and the legs and shoulders are sticking out through the skin. I've tried both conforming V4 to Cyber V4 as well as Cyber V4 to V4, both give me weird results. What am I doing wrong? I'm running PP12 with the latest updates.

  • DzFireDzFire Posts: 1,473
    edited December 1969

    I'm having conforming problems as well. The feet get all twisted and the legs and shoulders are sticking out through the skin. I've tried both conforming V4 to Cyber V4 as well as Cyber V4 to V4, both give me weird results. What am I doing wrong? I'm running PP12 with the latest updates.

    I don't use PP12 but it sounds like the IK needs to be turned off.

  • edited December 1969

    DzFire™ said:
    I'm having conforming problems as well. The feet get all twisted and the legs and shoulders are sticking out through the skin. I've tried both conforming V4 to Cyber V4 as well as Cyber V4 to V4, both give me weird results. What am I doing wrong? I'm running PP12 with the latest updates.

    I don't use PP12 but it sounds like the IK needs to be turned off. Cyber V4 doesn't have IK, and I turn it off by default on V4. I haven't tried it with V's IK on. The issue is that Cyber V definitely doesn't fit inside Vicki when conformed, not just the feet.

  • DzFireDzFire Posts: 1,473
    edited December 1969

    Are you having problems with the bones not following each other (V4 to CV4 or CV$ to V4) or is it just the parts of the armor poking through?

  • edited December 1969

    DzFire™ said:
    Are you having problems with the bones not following each other (V4 to CV4 or CV$ to V4) or is it just the parts of the armor poking through?
    I'll post a pic tonight when I get home. It's similar to what was posted above but quite a bit worse. :/
  • edited December 1969

    OK, here's what's happening.The first picture is what I get when I load V4 and then load CyberV4 without conforming. She mostly lines up with a bit of poke through. The second and third pics are when I conform Cyber V4 to V4. In this instance 's V4's leg IK was turned on, but on or off gives the same result. Cyber's legs move outward, and the feet twist up. There's also significant poke through on the shoulders, hip, neck and head.

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  • DzFireDzFire Posts: 1,473
    edited December 1969

    Okay, looks like V4 is loading in but not zeroed. You can either zero V4's pose before conforming or conform V4 to the cyborg.

    The poke-thru is going to happen, sorry. The armor was designed to give the cyborgs their shape. Otherwise, they just look like skeletons. They are set up to turn on/off parts with their counterparts. Plus, using magnets to alter the shapes when both V4's and C4's parts need to be viable is really the only viable way to go. There was no way I could anticipate all the morphs needed for everyone's ideas. :red:

  • edited December 1969

    DzFire™ said:
    Okay, looks like V4 is loading in but not zeroed. You can either zero V4's pose before conforming or conform V4 to the cyborg.

    The poke-thru is going to happen, sorry. The armor was designed to give the cyborgs their shape. Otherwise, they just look like skeletons. They are set up to turn on/off parts with their counterparts. Plus, using magnets to alter the shapes when both V4's and C4's parts need to be viable is really the only viable way to go. There was no way I could anticipate all the morphs needed for everyone's ideas. :red:
    OK I'll give that a shot. In any case the cyborg is a fantastic figure and I thank you for creating her. :)
  • cwichuracwichura Posts: 1,042
    edited December 1969

    I'm a little late to the game, but I've finished my first render using CyberV4: Terminatrix 001. Admittedly, you can't see much of CyberV4, though, as it's used as an endoskeleton inside a V4 figure...

  • DzFireDzFire Posts: 1,473
    edited December 1969

    A little sneak peek. More to come. Like or Comment for a chance to win all the Cyborg 4 items

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  • HaruchaiHaruchai Posts: 1,983
    edited December 1969

    Liked, oh yes most definitely liked :)

  • simulacraftsimulacraft Posts: 9
    edited December 1969

    Very seriously cool. Outstanding work. as usual. Just have to budget for it now.

  • LycanthropeXLycanthropeX Posts: 2,287
    edited December 1969

    Here is a bit of a fun trick I discovered this morning with Poser Pro 2014

    I loaded M4 and injected him with a few morphs, then I loaded the Cyber M4 and his Face Mask Prop, then I selected the Face Mask and hit Copy Morphs and directed it to copy the morphs from M4's head. I then deleted the M4 figure and spun the new morph dials in the Cyber M4's Face Mask. There are a lot of junk dials created and some dials don't do anything, some have unexpected results, but enough dials work that you can customize the face mask pretty good. So if you have PP 2014 and want to create some custom looks for your Cyber folks, that is one way to go about it.

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  • DzFireDzFire Posts: 1,473
    edited December 1969

    Very cool. Now I gotta play with it

  • LycanthropeXLycanthropeX Posts: 2,287
    edited December 1969

    yeah i sort of discovered it by accident, i was working on something else and just had a "hey i wonder if that would work" moment, and it worked. I know it works in Poser Pro 2014, i have no idea about other versions of Poser

    I haven't done this yet, but i i know you can delete dials, i'm thinking once you figure out what morphs you want, you could delete the unwanted dials and then resave it to the library

  • DzFireDzFire Posts: 1,473
    edited December 1969

    I'm wondering if you can do the same thing to the skull? Hmm...

  • LycanthropeXLycanthropeX Posts: 2,287
    edited December 1969

    the Cyberman skull?

    yes .... kind of

    some morphs work better than others. Alien Scalp from the Creature Creator morphs looks kool. Also I have given my Cyberman vampire fangs

    like i say, some morphs work better than others

  • DoomsdayCMDoomsdayCM Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Here is a bit of a fun trick I discovered this morning with Poser Pro 2014

    I loaded M4 and injected him with a few morphs, then I loaded the Cyber M4 and his Face Mask Prop, then I selected the Face Mask and hit Copy Morphs and directed it to copy the morphs from M4's head. I then deleted the M4 figure and spun the new morph dials in the Cyber M4's Face Mask. There are a lot of junk dials created and some dials don't do anything, some have unexpected results, but enough dials work that you can customize the face mask pretty good. So if you have PP 2014 and want to create some custom looks for your Cyber folks, that is one way to go about it.

    Is there a way to get this to work/function in Daz?

  • LycanthropeXLycanthropeX Posts: 2,287
    edited December 1969

    Here is a bit of a fun trick I discovered this morning with Poser Pro 2014

    I loaded M4 and injected him with a few morphs, then I loaded the Cyber M4 and his Face Mask Prop, then I selected the Face Mask and hit Copy Morphs and directed it to copy the morphs from M4's head. I then deleted the M4 figure and spun the new morph dials in the Cyber M4's Face Mask. There are a lot of junk dials created and some dials don't do anything, some have unexpected results, but enough dials work that you can customize the face mask pretty good. So if you have PP 2014 and want to create some custom looks for your Cyber folks, that is one way to go about it.

    Is there a way to get this to work/function in Daz?

    Not that i know of but that is not saying much because i know almost nothing about Studio, so maybe it can be done. maybe not.

    Poser Pro 2014 adds a whole new batch of tools that really expand what can be done in 3D

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