Can you do a 'Spot Render' in Daz?

A very 'Beginner' question, but does anyone know if its possible to do a 'Spot Render' in Daz?
What I mean by that is just selecting a portion of 'scene' as it appears in the viewport, and rendering just that portion at 'full size' (whatever dimensions you set the image at)?
In Poser it was simple to do just this, but so far I don't know if it can be done in Daz
Yes. You need to select the Spot Render tool (the icon looks like a camera) then go to the "Tool Settings" pane and click on the checkbox to "Render to new window" then just draw a box with your mouse over the part of the viewport that you want to spot render. (The main thing is to select that "Render to New Window" option because it then maintains the dimensions of the full render.)
Thanks to both Melaniel and Barbult for the answer (don't know why I couldn't find that for myself)
Worth noting that the spot render does not use the camera resolution setting. It always uses the (weirdly named) Pixel Size settings in the Render Settings tab.
That one tripped me up the first time I tried to use Spot Render to patch an image.
Pixel size is the size of the render in pixels, so I am not suer what is weird about the name. You are correct, however, that the Spot Render tool ignores any size override on the camera - please use a Technical Support ticket to report that as a potential bug.
Spot render is best thing DAZ has. Just take note, that by default its selected on Viewport and I'm sure you want it set to New Windows. It's a default setting I wish DAZ would change.