Taliban ISIS G2M?

I know this don't seem very orthidox but I am trying to make a render of a war scene in Iraq. I need a AK-47 and terrorist outfit for G2M too.
If there is any stone mason props that you can think of that would be cool.
I have an idea in my head that I want to get out but I lack the proper qeuipment.
I also don't know of any American Soldier Uniforms either. If anyone can make this or help me find it that would be appreciated.
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I can't help you with the ISIS clothes, but M4 Army Combat Uniform and Infantry Combat Equipment both convert to G2M pretty well using auto-fit or the transfer utility. You probably want to create new textures using MarPat or MultiCam. Here is a free AK-47 that I found using Google. Here's another one. There's some older traditional arab clothing like Moroccan Dreams for Michael 4, but I have no experience with them. For the most part, I expect, normal civilian clothes with cobbled together equipment would be more realistic. There's some head scarves and turbans over at Rendo if you search for 'arab'.
Please note that changing text backgrounds can make text hard to read for those using the dark theme. http://prntscr.com/85u28q
thank you