Equestrian Outfits

With Daz Horse 3 I feel like they'd fit

Here's the link where you can see the boots from different angles and check around the site for more inspiration. The Breeches, leggings, and tights seem like they would have details people would overlook without a reference 


I'll leave links since there's so much good stuff for inspiration


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  • Seven193Seven193 Posts: 1,111

    FSMCDesigns said:

    Should autofit fine https://www.daz3d.com/equestrian-uniform-for-genesis-3-female-s

    Perhaps, but when it comes to footwear items like shoes and boots, cross generation fitting is usually hit or miss. And even if it does fit, there is always distortion in the toes.

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    The boots fit alright on G8.  You'll need to hide the feet and adjust the foot pose, but there's no major distortion like you get with some footwear.  It would be nice to see an updated version, though.

  • Thanks. It's a nice outfit but I mean something newer made for Genesis 9 and has more details liked the linked images. And not just simple breeches but one with different material zones for different gels and seams and outfits with riding tights instead of breeches and different riding jackets. They can be part of an equestrian fashion pack. The shirts can even have different styles to them too. Since it would be in a bundle they can do matching poses and saddles too. Then stuff for guys too 

  • butterflyfishbutterflyfish Posts: 1,274

    I don't suppose anyone was interested in making this? It would be really useful. The Horse 3 bundle includes all the English riding gear, but nothing for the riders to wear? I hesitate to buy G3 clothes when we're on G9.

  • I'd love something like this too. Especially if it could pass for historical. And maybe with a red coat for old fashioned fox hunting scenes!

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