Map Transfer Question
I hope this is the right place for this discussion.
I really like the Map Tranfer usage to create the Female Genital Maps that some products do not come with or top create my own. Namely for this discussion i am using G9 Figure.
It is very easy to use this to Bake the G9 Female Gen Maps as DAZ provides the Gen Bake Maps for this feature, but is there anyway to use this for the Male gen map? For now the Gen Bake map only accounts for the female side maps. Can the DAZ team provide a way to use a seperate Gen bake for the males? I know the females get more attention! LOL! But it would be great if the males get some too from time to time, now that the G9 is one unified figure!
That would be great, so we can create the male side of the gen maps that are not supplied by some products and help us other vendors create easily the maps we need without using extra programs like Substance painter or the like.
Thank in advance.
Well Yes thank you i didn't see this post! This is atleast a small solution to work with! Great and thank you.