Import body morphs from DAZ Studio to Blender
Posts: 132
Hello everyone! I don't know if the topic has already been addressed in other discussions but I still felt the need to post my request here.
So, I have a model of a female figure for Blender to which I would like to make a modification to the body to make it more curvy. I have some OBJ and DSF format morphs that work well in DAZ Studio and I wondered, if it is possible to transfer one of these morphs into Blender and apply it on the model's body shape.
I hope you can give me a hand..! Thanks in advance!
shape keys > join as shapes
Sorry but I think some steps are missing. From where should I select and import my morphs which again are OBJ and DSF files?
Thanks but I tried several times and this is what I get: (No additional selected meshes with equal vertex count to join)
When importing to Blender, there should be a check box to maintain vertex order. That is needed for it to recognize it as the same mesh.
OK in the "Browse Mesh Data" section it says Genesis 3 Female, which is the origin of the figure.
The OBJ file to import and take morphs from is for Genesis 8 Female. Maybe this is the cause?
Excuse my ignorance on the subject but I've always used DAZ Studio and I've only recently known Blender..
Yes, that would do it. A Genesis 3 morph won't work on Genesis 8.
I tried to import a Genesis 3 Female DSF but it's the same thing, it still doesn't work..
Export the figure at base resolution.
They already have a base resolution. They also include the head as well, but I just need the shape of the body. I do not know what to do..
The geometry must be the same for morphs to work. You can't morph among different geometries. But you can try shrinkwrap then bake.
I don't think I'm capable of doing such a thing, I don't even know what it means..
post cleared - I misunderstood the original request.
Desired Resolution = usually would be Base Resolution but can be High Resolution if you want (up to you and your limitations of what youre doing), but you have to keep the same throughout process
in Daz:
Load Gen 3 and set Resolution to "Desired Resolution"
Export Gen 3 figure as obj (only export the Gen 3 figure, no eyelashes, no hair, no tearline etc)
Load the morph you want at the same "Desired Resolution"
Export Gen 3 morphed figure as obj (only export the Gen 3 figure, no eyelashes, no hair, no tearline etc)
in Blender:
Load both Objs you exported
Do the Join as Shapes process outlined earlier
Under Shapekeys, dial in the shape
For the work I'm supposed to do, I only need the body without the head, since the shape of the head and face shouldn't be changed.
If I import the entire Genesis it will change the shape of the face too, right?
Anyway, great explanation!
The geometry must be the same for shapekeys to work. But you can use a vertex group to limit the shapekey action, so to mix only the body and keep the head out.
No, if you make no changes to the shape of the head the head will be unchanged by the morph (and it won't interfere with any other head morphs - morphs just stack).