Big Cat 2 Question

Is the Big Cat 2 supposed to be able to render correctly with iRay? I've tried the Lion, both light and dark. It just looks too white and without body fur. I've tried the Uber Base iRay Shader that comes with D|S 4.8. That doesn't seem to help. Is there some other shader or product that will let the Big Cat 2 render well with iRay?
I've just found "Real Fur for the Big Cat 2." That probably would help. But the product info doesn't say anything about if the Lion (or other creatures) would render OK with iRay. Will they? Or is there some iRay shader product that I'd also have to buy?
Post edited by inquire on
LAMH fur needs to be exported as .obj to render in Iray, which doesn't currently have a hair primitive/curves.
I have a feeling the eyes and mouth use non-standard shaders, so they may not perform weill in anythin other than 3Delight.
What about the Real Fur for DAZ Big Cat 2 product? Is that different from the Look at My Hair? The former is here:
Does the Real Fur work with iRay?
That uses Look At My Hair.
Ah, OK. I get it. It uses presets. What about fitting it to the animal and rendering in D|S 3Delight? Does it work well? Does it bog the system down in rendering, or does it render pretty quickly?
Inquire, I've been wondering the same thing. When I try to render Daz Big Cat 2 with IRay, the fur is much too light. I'm wondering if there is a shader or some other material out there that is IRay compatible, or maybe there is a setting I'm missing to keep the big kitty from looking like he swam in bleach.
After quite a bit of tinkering, I found this .... In the Surfaces tab, go to "Presets", then Shaders->Iray->Uber->!Iray Uber Base. Double click that. Then in the "Editor" tab, select Lion with Dark Man->Surfaces->SkingBody & SkinFace. To the right, there is "Base Color". Set that to .34 .21 .10.
I realize I'm answering a post that is several months old, and the original poster may never see this. However, I figure someone else may come by with the same question (like I did). The fur is not purr-fect, but at least he's not bleached out. I hope this helps someone else. Another promising option I'm going to look into soon is Leather and Fur Iray Shaders.
Happy rendering!
What I do, for a lot of LAMH stuff, is use Mec4D's Iray shaders that come with Unshaven 2.
I ctrl-click on the Snow White option, to keep the diffuse color, and adjust from there. (I think I make diffuse/translucency about 10 value higher, but season to taste; pure white might make sense for diffuse)
Product duly noted. Thanks for the suggestion!
I generally use Unshaven 2 beard shaders for anything along the lines of fibermesh, fiberhair, or otherwise 'lots of elements,' and then UHT hair shaders for most transmapped (human) hair (although I suppose it might work for others... hmm. Though you don't often see transmapped fur/hair)
Because if you think the extra geometry of a fiberhair slows down the render, imagine what the density of transmapped surfaces needed for fur would do to render times...
Hi: OK, I saw it. Thanks for your suggestions.