Mouse up Lag on Mac Camera controls...Mac DAZ Studio Pro
Have you used the camera control and have that moment where the mouse sticks > and you drag your mouse and it moves the camera from where you anted it?
Want to know if this is inheritly a Mac bug or not. Doesnt seem to hapen on Windows.
Do you use the Magic Mouse from Apple? I think, there is the problem.
When I set the camera in DAZ while using the Magic Mouse, the camera runs without stopping.... When I use a "normal" wireless mouse, there isn't a problem.
Interesting, I am using a Dell mouse at the moment. I'll try swapping out and see what happens.
I've seen this in DS for a while; it is not new to 4.8. I use a "Magic Trackpad".
Yes, it has been around for a very long time, I finally got around to submitting a bug. I was wondering if it was common or my machine/mouse etc. Want this fixed pretty bad :)
Im having the same issue. This is extremely annoying and really cuts into productivity time. When I get the camera positioned exactly how I want it, I have to make sure I dont move the mouse for a few seconds. Also, theres an issue when moving the sliders in the Parameters tab, for example, where I have to click multiple times to get the slider to even activate and the entire Parameters tab window scrolls up and down sporadically o its own while im hovering over it. Im using the mouse that came with my imac. Has anyone found a fix for this yet? or will we just have to wait for a new update?
Yup I have's my go to ranting subject when I need something that they should be fixing rather than putting out "x".
Yes, this bites me from time to time. Using a Logitech M505 mouse on a MacBook Pro, OS X 10.10.5.