signs / boards / menu boards
Daz 3D Forums > General > Product Suggestions>signs / boards / menu boards
signs / boards / menu boards

what about some different standing signs / standing blackboards boards / standing menu boards (blackboards) of different old/rustic style with wooden frame or iron frame with the possibillity to add images. ?
Have you checked Maclean's store. He has lots of useful items
In the set "cafe italia" there is one little sign (menu board) so why should I buy the whole set? I mean such a board, yes, but with different styles. So a menu board pack if you will :) The should fit to sets like "streets of old london"
Thanks for the Maclean tip; I've been debating a series with a more contemporary theme, and some of the stuff (particularly the kits, but also diner, bedroom, bathroom, etc) would be very handy.
Yes Mac makes some very useful packs. I have bought quite a few of them. Had to remember to remove the "Hide What I Own" things so I could check what exactly he does have as so many were hidden at first glance.
int. for the hotel room is also great, have used some stuff for a room I have created out of two sets. Here is an image :)
have used the bed, the chairs, the tables and the lamps from the hotel room set but have changed the textures. The room itself is created out of two sets: bc movie stands the office and the office 2 movie stands
so but why should I buy a whole set I do not need for just one standing sandwich board?
Most of the time a simple plane primitive is all that's needed to make a sign. Just scale to the needed size and add an image to the diffuse. That's one reason why a 'sign pack' won't sell much by itself and specific ones are in specific sets.
That said, Mac's Streets and Hallways sets do have a fair number of signs in them.
I have build one out of a trestle and an image, will show it in a view minutes, but my DS is busy right now :)
here it is, maybe a bit morbid but it looks good I think :)
I just realized something...and should have thought of it before, but my chalkboard can double as a sign...
Thanks for pointing out my products.
I have quite a few signs scattered around in various products, but I can understand the OP not wanting to buy a whole pack just for one item. The only consolation I can offer is that I have a (sort of) signs pack on my To Do list. I'm planning a pack of items which carry advertising - billboards, signs, flers, etc. I haven't gotten any further than scribbling down a few notes, and I have no idea when I'll get round to it, but it will appear at some point.
In the meantime, any suggestions and ideas are welcome.