Standalone Freebies

Please include in your "Daily" freebies some standalone cloths, props, scenes, or figures. For the last three weeks, all of the freebies that I don't already have are texture packs for other outfits. If you don't have the base item, then the items in your list are not really freebies.
I add them to my cart anyway...some of them are for things I've wanted to buy or like not that long ago were for things that later became freebies (there was one for something that was in the V4 Hero pack, I think, a few weeks before it was a freebie). It's not like you pay shipping on them or anything...and they'll be in your account product library so you don't need to put them on your hard drive if/until you need them.
Good point.
i add everything to my cart now that is free. However I agree with the OP. Useable freebies would be good.
I hoard me too and on odd occasions get the prop or figure later on sale or as a freebie so then am glad of extra texture I may not have bought.
I agree I honestly think its a bit misleading to have "freebies" that are just texture packs, because they are worthless without the actual item.
On the one hand, I agree with the OP: more standalone freebies would be nice. On the other hand, at the beginning of summer DAZ made both the V4 and the M4 Hero Pro Packs available for free, so I don't want to sound ungrateful either...
Actually... If you are "creative enough with a paint-program"... You CAN use some of those textures in other things. Though the UV-Maps will not always align, because they are not "designed" for other things... You can "try them" in other outfits by selecting the images as the other items image/textures/materials. Where they don't fit, you can alter the images with some modest alterations, to fit the form of the other UV-maps.
Bonus if you find something that the style fits, without modification... Just add that meta-data to the item and let the artist know... "Hey, did you know that this ALSO fits this item." I wish more artists got together to make more universal "styles" that just work on multiple outfits and other items. A lot of hair is like this... But not all hair. (Hair needs all the help it can get! It is one of the hardest things Daz/We still have to struggle with.)
Though, that is a lot of work and has limited results.
I agree that "free things" should limit themselves to things which have other free-components available, or things which we have base-models for, when it comes to "styled items". However, I see why they make them available. Because others DO have those models, and enjoy having those styles free, for the ones they did purchase.
Perhaps one day we will have "smart promo's" to match the "Smart content". (Not with everyone getting all the same free stuff, but having a choice of available "free things", you get to select one from a list of things that you can use. Depending on things you own.)
We could still see the things we don't own, because we might want to buy the core-items, just to use that cool freebie!
I wanted to try to make a scene with all the "free items", just to see how crazy it would look, with how random the free stuff is...
Well at least half the freebie textures so far have had items that came up reduced in sales so were not wasted.