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Is there any program or addon or some way to make Gens UV maps for the new anatomical elements that are available for Genesis 9? I have always had this problem because I make custom skins for some of my characters using Skin Builders, which do not address this issue. Seems that if someone were to make a utlity that could take an existing or custom skin and make a gens map, for either gender, they might make a tidy sum on it.
Just thinking out load on that.
If anyone does know of a process or some program or utility that is available please let me know. (Privately, I don't think anyone is permitted to endorse or recommend stuff in the open here). By the way please keep it simple, I don't have things like Adobe, (costs to much). I do have the CorelDraw suite, and I have been using that for years.
my characters all wear pants so no textures needed. Keeps life simple.
I made some freebies when they was new, where the anatomical elements uses the body materials.
Works best for females as the gens better match the body area, but still useable for men, they just have much less texture resolution on some parts.
You can use the custom UV map mentionned above, or, for female gens (does not create male anatomy) you can do this to create the maps - no extras required :
1) Go in the Map Transfer utility from the surfaces tab
2) Create a Template (right-click the templates section) and drag the Body from the right pane onto the new template and
3) Pick Genital Map Bake
4) Might vary, but for me the textures are output on
%appdata%\DAZ 3D\Studio4\temp\textureConvert
For Genesis 9 anatomical elements geometry, you need Genesis 9 Starter Essentials Expansion. For previous generations of Genesis, you need the buy one of the Daz characters that come in a pro bundle.
Genitals have never been part of the base figure. For Genesis 9, the geometry is in the Starter Essentials Expansion; in previous generations, one had to buy a pro bundle of an adult human (non-toon) figure to get gens.
It IS a gender issue, though, in the sense that makeup and dresses are outside of contemporary gender norms for men even though neither is intrinsically "feminine". That's the inherent problem with the construction of gender.
There is a solution for male gens, It's also available on the adult site that I can't mention here. The vendor's name is Meipe. There are verions for G3M, G8M, and G9. Also versions for G3F and G8F, with a different name. All of them have a script that copies the skin texture to the gens geograft. I have several of them, and they work very well.
I want to say that I appreciate that both you, Gordig and WendyLuvsCatz, are using the terms, "sex" and "gender", correctly. When i took my oral exam in grad school, my advisor's advisor was on my commitee; he brought along heis wife who was a noted sex researcher who studied an Central American population that had a late maturing testosterone receptor so that all children in the region were born "girls" and then differentiated into "boys" and "girls" at puberty. Each child was given a feminine name at birth and renamed at puberty. She then regailed us with a discussion about how the sex determination tests at the Olympics were doomed to failure (they have quietly given up the ghost and now use a hazy hormone standards system with its own problems of unscientific methodology). Everyone then launched into their favorite orals questions; my advisor always asks the candidate to name five women who had won Nobel prizes in the sciences
Are there any tutorials anywhere on how to make gens maps for characters that don't include them? I just bought KOO Sylvia HD and it doesn't include any gens maps, but I need them for a commission I'm working on. The maps in general are great and the figure has the build I need for the character, but the client wants them gens!
-Thanks in advance!
Ok. Before G8.1, mostly need a pro bundle for an adult character to get geograft of anatomical details - Minors in daz-world have no parts. 8.1: select characters come with parts. Don't recall which ones, though I have the parts. G9 parts are in .
And I'm late to the party. Oh well.
I suppose it goes along with the idea that a G9 female could also have a male alternate & vice versa, but all signs say doing this greatly increases the workload for making the character and likely for little or no reward. Some ppl are certainly doing naughty things.
What i have done is use a product like
I think some of the anime toon figures have elements, which so far breaks the rule that they are for non-toon characters. I know Mikey and Vicky have them.