Icons on installed content (Smart Content view)

I upgraded DAZ Studio from 4.15 to version 4.21 and afterwards I re-imported the metadata for all content. I had issues in the past where characters with the same name didn't show up with the right picture in smart content. So I wanted to start as fresh as possible in this new version.

Anyway, after doing that the icons don't reflect the current status of the installed content. For example, Zsazsa is currently installed (confirmed through DAZ Central), but the icon in studio indicates it's not installed. I also can right click it and select install, but I have not done that yet. It's clearly installed though as I can open the figure and load her into the scene.  (there are multiple characters/items with this install icon, this is just one example)


The other issue is Isae. She was the only character that didn't get a picture loaded for her figure. I uninstalled her via DAZ Central and reinstalled the next day, but now she has a different icon. Any idea what this means or how to resolve it?  I am not logged in to DAZ Studio - I think I had done that as part of the metadata process, but it is not auto logging me in per the settings.


  • http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/dazstudio/4/referenceguide/interface/panes/smart_content/products_page/results_view/start#daz_connect

    Zsazsa is installed (colourd thumbnail) - the icon tells you you can install through Connect. If you don't want to don't log in from Daz Studio.

    Genesis Starter Essentials is not installed, or if it is the path it was isntalled to is not a Daz Studio content directory.

    Isae has user metadata associated with it - something you set yourself or vendor data from a much earlier build or otherwise not properly set up. You could just right-click on the product container in the Content Library and delete it, then do a normal install if you want it.

  • RR67RR67 Posts: 37
    edited January 2023

    deleted original reply as it isn't needed anymore.

    Update: I first uninstalled Isae through DAZ Central. Then in DAZ Studio I went under Content Library\Products\I  and deleted the Isae entry. After reinstalling Isae via DAZ Central, the picture is displayed properly in DAZ Studio. I did this same fix for another product (dforce breezy day outfit textures), but now it isn't showing up in Smart Content. When I search for other products that have texture addons, they show up in Smart Content searches. This breezy day outfit addon does not and I do not see it listed as a separate item in Content Library. Any idea how to restore that? 

    Post edited by RR67 on
  • So the Breezy Day set isn't appearing anywhere, filtered or plain?

  • RR67RR67 Posts: 37
    The base breezy day product does show up in both smart content and content library, but it's the texture add-on that doesn't appear anywhere.
  • They show in the Content Library>Products>D list, and if I load the Poncho and select it the texture set shows in the Products tab of Smart Content. It may be that the metadata wasn't added, try uninstalling and reinstalling the product.

  • RR67RR67 Posts: 37

    Unfortunately no change after reinstalling. If I search for another product with texture addon (dforce medieval barmaid), I do see a separate entry for it. I do not see the same for breezy outfit, even if I load the poncho in the scene first and select it. I am debating on doing a full reset database and just downloading all the metadata again. Not sure what else to do.


  • May be an issue with the metadata if you are using DIM and not going online in Daz Studio, I use Connect so get the current metadata from the servers every time I log in to install something.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 7,730

    RR67 said:

    Unfortunately no change after reinstalling. If I search for another product with texture addon (dforce medieval barmaid), I do see a separate entry for it. I do not see the same for breezy outfit, even if I load the poncho in the scene first and select it. I am debating on doing a full reset database and just downloading all the metadata again. Not sure what else to do.


    Same issue for me. It results from the wrong data in metadata file. You may: Unzip the IM file: IM00053217-01_dForceBreezyDayOutfitTextures.zip, go to the directory Content\runtime\Support, open DAZ_3D_53217_dForce_Breezy_Day_Outfit_Textures.dsx with a text editor (e.g. EmEditor or notepad+),  repalce the string 'Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/BreezyDay' with 'Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/Breezy Day'. (just missing a space char...) Then rezip the whole product folder, copy the zip file to your DIM download folder and resinstall it. It'll be shown in Smart Content with no problem.

  • RR67RR67 Posts: 37

    Just to close this out...ended up resetting the database and reimporting the metadata per this post: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/594911/problem-with-smart-content-male-figures

    That seems to have fixed it. Thanks.

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