DAZ Horse 3 - Status

in The Commons
Has anyone heard or know when the corrected/corectt/updated DAZ Horse 3 is supposed to be released? I know someone mentioned they got an update in DIM awhile back, but I never did.
According to what I can see in DIM, there was an update on the 13th January around 1pm GMT. Do you still have an older version than that?
what i have is dated 1/13. Is that the new thing they were relasing later on then?
Oh, I have no idea what was changed just when it was changed. I assume it's still in pre-release since it doesn't have a store or wiki page yet.
Last I checked, Daz Horse 3 still didn't have its own product page. I assume that means there's work yet to be done behind the scenes.
Keep in mind, the Daz Horse 3 was a pre-release, still being worked on. :) We released it so those that wanted to use the Reindeer at Christmas had access and as rare preview. The horse is going through some final updates and will come out all shiny on it's official release. We won't post a specific date at this time, but it is sooner than "Daz soon". :) (for you long time daz users.) We realize it wasn't "perfect" on its initial release. It was still in progress. We appreciate all of you who kept this in mind and used it in the capacity it was meant to be used. As a nice way to preview the Horse before it's finished version and something we don't normally allow. :)
Thanks for everyone's patience.
Thank you.
Which is both reassuring and not reassuring at all
When DAZ Horse 3 is released, will those of us who purchased the Sleigh Ride Bundle, SKU: 88505, finally be able to see our promotion pages and print them off?
All I have so far is the Product Library page that doesn't have a SKU, just a purchase order number from 24 Dec 2022. I like to have the actual promo pages from the day I buy something, so I can see what I am getting then. And some of the items have nothing to do with a horse, like the shaders.
Thank you,
You can find the SKU of a product by looking at the URL in the product library. https://www.daz3d.com/downloader/customer/files#prod_[SKU #]
DAZ Horse 3 has SKU #88344: https://www.daz3d.com/downloader/customer/files#prod_88344
It would be nice though if they would get the release out "soon". I'm glad though on one part that it is giving them time to resolve some of the complaints of the look of the horse.
It has arrived.
Curiously, the sales page doesn't offer any kind of discount for people who already own DH3, nor is there an orange banner (yet).
But it still has the raised noggin, Moe toupée, bug-eyes, wonky mane and forelock. I thought we were getting extra hair options. Two tacks, three buggies, four poses, & an environment doth not maketh a Mega Bundle. The skin and tack textures, and a decent mane and tail would be a good start.
I bought the DH3 in Dec., and the Meh-ga Bundle is $36.02 when carted by itself.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed the mane and forelock seem to be messed up as well as an odd lump between the ears.
AM's animals are usually so realistic, so I was a bit surprised when I saw Daz Horse 3.
I have an orange banner for the horse now, so check your messages.
Decent discount if you already got the Sleigh Ride bundle. And the wagons both come with harneses and reins. Splitting out the harnessed horse poses is a bit of a cheap shot, to give the bundles more products. But I suppose someone who got the Sleigh Ride might just spring for the new cart and poses.
I'll admit I'm not really impressed with the horse, but there are worse ones out there. And this one does morph into interesting other critters.
$45.03 for me. Who knows how they work out these prices. It's not uncommon that I put something in the cart, take it out and put it back in and get different prices.
The reindeer was beautiful. I'll admit I would have bought the horse for that if it was in my budget at the time. I wonder if there is any chance they'll release the reindeer again? If I remember right the Sleigh Ride bundle was only for a limited time.
I'm just wondering why there don't seem to be any additional breeds, like Arabian or standardbred or draft or whatever. Other actual horses, as opposed to the Tapidary. (Which I like, but it's not actually a horse.) Maybe they're waiting to see how this does before doing that sort of expansion. Would be nice to have a palomino texture, though.
And, like Leana, I have an orange banner, so it's probably worth checking your messages if you bought the Sleigh Ride bundle. And they may wind up needing to kick the server when they all get in at 9AM Mountain time.
The MegaBundle is $30.02 in my cart, but don't have the time now to check how it got there.
Did buy the Sleigh Ride, got the orange banner for 20% off and am currently Daz+
The embers texture is an interesting one, similar to I've seen in Assassin's Creed Odessey. Hot stuff. (sorry, couldn't resist) It's rather nice.
I'm beginning to question weather or not AM has ever seen an actual horse in real life. yikes.
What the Daz Horse 3 really needs is a build-your-own-bundle. All of the existing bundles either leave out stuff I consider a must have or include stuff I consider extraneous.
It's a good thing I have a tame copy of MS Excel so I can consider all the various options.
Erm ... I don't really see why I'd need this at all, having the great low-res Horse bundle that Predatron created a while ago for the rustic stuff, and Horse 2 with various carts and options for all the rest. Especially seeing that the new horse really doesn't look all that great, and doesn't even come with texture or morph options by itself. So - what's the incentive here?
I know of no historical precedent to justify that statement. Any breeds Daz Originals released for MH or DH2 were morphs included in the original horses.
Am I incorrect that we were supposed to be getting some more things when the new horse released if we bought the reindeer bundle? I thought we were getting some more materials and such. Am I remembering incorrectly?
I missing Characters for the Horse 3!!
45 bucks here for the mega bundle and I already own DH3.
"You’ll also get upgraded access to all Daz Horse 3 features once released, including morphs for different sizes and breeds, improved mane and tail, additional textures, and more!"
https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/7930871/#Comment_7930871 (Link updated by mod to direct to the actual post and not a quote)