Image series
Posts: 32
Is there a way to render images without them being rendered consecutively? I'd like to render a series by skipping some frames, so 1,3,6,9 or whatever.
You will most likely need to use a batch render script for that.
Not sure if this will suit your needs, but you could also change the FPS in the timeline before rendering. For example, if you're scene is currently 30fps and you change it to 10fps, it will effectively render frames 1, 4, 7, 10, etc. (though they will be numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.).
- Greg
Thanks I found something online I'm going to try for this.
Thanks. Yes I've tried this but still would be a nice feaure to be able to render certain frames instead of the way it works currently. At the moment, I have to move the animation to each frame and render individually if I don't want everything rendered.
It would be a lot less of a PITA to just render the whole thing and delete (or move out of the folder) the frames you don't want/need.
If you wanna set up a batch job of rendering a series of specified frames of a scene file, a workaround is to use Manfriday's Render Queue plugin. But this plugin does not allow to put multiple 'current opened scene' into the queue, so you have to save a series of scene files by frames, e.g. render 20 different frames, save 20 files. In each file, you set the frame you want to render as current frame and save the file with different suffix. Then throw them into the queque with proper setup, click Render and go to bed...
well 1,3,6,9 would be 10fps
Try mcjListRender script from mCasual. I haven´t tried but it should be exactly what you are looking for.
Nice script! Simple and working~ Thanks! Magical mCasual~
Good call. And that's exactly how the DS timeline would edit a 30fps animation if changed to 10fps. No script, just a flick of the switch!
Magical is right! I'm going to start collecting more of his (mCasual) wonders!!!