Render Speed vs Quality Slider (RabbitTurtle) Missing

Hi, I installed Daz Studio on my computer last year, accidentally un-installed it two days ago and re-installed the latest version yesterday (Version Pro 64 bit).  My problem is that the lastest version doesn't have the quality vs speed slider (with the lirttle pictures of the trutle and the rabbit) and I have no idea how to handle the settings manually.  I tried changing the workspace layout but that did nothing.  I re-watched the video tutorial 6.0 Rendering.  Under the render tab it shows two tabs labled "General" and "Advanced".  Just below and to the right of this the video shows a small grey area that the person clicks to open the quality vs speed slider.

In the version of Studio I installed yesterday there are three choices below the render tab, "Presets", "Editor" and "Advanced".  None of the stuff below this tab in the tutorial (render style, shader, etc.) shows up in the Studio version I now have, none of the stuff in the advanced tab matches what is shown in the video either.

Right now I'm pretty much dead in the water.  Under the "Editor" tab I can change the "Engine" to Basic Open GL to get a fast low quality render or to NVIDEA tray and after three hours it was still working on the render (and I don't have a slow computer).

Any advice would be appreciated.


  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,141

    for 3Delight all you really need to change are the "Sampling" (higher is better quality)."Shading Rate" lower is better quality (0.01 is maximum if I remember correctly).

    I also have "Gamma" set to 2.20 and Gamma Correction turned on, you'll have to try this to see if you like the results or not.

  • I just tried 3Delight, got an error m,essage on the first render (didn't touch any settings), render showed a grey/white checkerboard pattern and now if I try to render using 3Delight it gives me a message stating "Unable to render. Renderer is already in use.".  I can still render in Basic Open GL, it's quick and has no details or shadows.  Intermediate Ipen GL renders a black screen with no error messages.  Like I mentioned above NVIDEA tray seems to work but after hours it had not completed one simple render image.  Scripted 3Delight just immediately pops up the grey/white checkerboard with no error message.

    The error message is new but the checkerboard and black screens aren't.  I probably should have mentioned, the reason I only mentioned Basic Open GL and NVIDEA tray is because those are the only two that work at all (although NVIDEA tray is more theoretical at this point so Basic Open GL is the only render engine that provides a rendered albeit very low quality render.  Very frustrating considering it was working fine a few days ago!

  • The turtle to hare slider was the equivalent of selecting an engine - hare was basic OpenGL, turtle was 3Delight, the in-between settings were Advanced Open GL

    Restarting DAZ Studio should unblock 3Delight - it doesn't happen often, but when it does crash that is the fix.

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