Freeze or lock certain faces from being morphed
Posts: 2,479
Is there a way in DS to lock faces so that they do not change when a morph is applied? For example, if I made a "mole" on the skin of a character in Hex, and brought that back into Daz, can I freeze those faces such that no morphs affect those particular faces/lines/vertices...? Like highlight them in the Geometry editor and apply some "lock" or something?
No, but would you want to? If it's on the cheek, say, you wouldn't want the rest of the mesh to stretch up around it as the character smiled, or pull in leaving it on a peak if you thinned the face.
If there's a morph causing undesirable distortion you can create a corrective morph to fix that, load it with Reverse Deformation set, then in ERC Freeze link that corrective morph to your morph as the controller and set it to Attenuate by the morph it is correcting for.
I have made a morph before that removes nostrils, and the though it works and looks good (for anime style), just about every morph of the faces, makes the nostrils get a dimple again of some sort. :( I figured if I could lock those 4-5 faces on each nostril, then I would not have to make corrections on every mouth, and face morphs there is. ...and that they dont move really would not be a big deal I would think, in such a small area
Well, not moving would still be a potential issue - think if a morph shortened or lengthened the nose the locked polygons stayed behind, it would be exactly the kind of distortion you are wanting to fix. If this is for gneral use, rather than your own use (where the simplest solution would be to smooth out on a case-by-case basis) I would suggest adding soem simple tweak morphs for the affected polygons to try to move them back into place as needed.
For a true, no-nostril, anime style nose, a geograft is the only solution. You need to graft in a flat under part of the nose to replace the nostril area.
Yes, I meant to suggest looking at using a GeoGraft.