Face Morphs G3F

nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
edited September 2015 in Freebies

My first attempt at morphs that actually seem to work.

They are to alter the eyes individually; size and position, as well as a morph for eye brows, cheek and mouth. I may do more as or if I need them.

I created them as the new excellent Face Morph packages available for G3F didn't contain similar morphs, unlike what was available for G2F.

New Link containing additional morphs(01/09/2015):


(02/09/2015) Updated the zip file with the full path for the content and removed the old morphs.


Post edited by nicstt on


  • SkelchSkelch Posts: 275

    Thank you for this 

  • selias19selias19 Posts: 253

    Thank you very much.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Welcome; hope they prove useful.

  • F.Y.I. I'm not sure how to move the morphs to a 'category', tho the 'face' category may be a good start rather then just 'actor'. There has been some occasional odd behavior with some morphs being 'invoked' when a pose preset is applied to the figure, with the pose just in the root shaping category. Why is not understood, just that it happens.


    The unique coloring is a nice touch (I've tried doing similar around a year ago in my n00b-ness, and it would not save the color for some odd reason). The Mouth twist and the Cheek Height is incredibly nice. I'm Still looking at combinations.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Thanks for the feedback and the link; I'll check it out, and as I've got an idea for another couple, I'll move them to face too. And yeh I like the twist on the mouth, it's a great way of affecting the symetry. It was the only way I could think of that was easy to implement; all the geometry only just behind the surface is seriously scary. :)


  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited August 2015

    Yea, I'm being really carful just where the D-form fields are going with what I'm doing. I have a face in mind, and no morphs to make some of the features happen on G2F. Cheek Height is really close to one of them (un-sunken cheeks, lol), tho I'm attaching it from a different angle, for the face I want to make.

    Your G3F set is really nice, and appears to play nicely with what I have for G3F morph sets.

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    Post edited by ZarconDeeGrissom on
  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Maybe you'll find the couple (well four) I'm adding useful; should get them done later.

    Glad you're not noticing any issues; I have the two face morph sets from Daz and they are great, and I haven't so far noticed any issues. I recognise the face you're trying to create; she's very beautiful, and her face also has lots of character too - at least imo. I recognise her, so presume she is an actress.

  • yea, lots of personality, and variations. The images are extremely cropped for this purpose, of looking at general facial features.


    The other is supposedly a teacher from further south. I would not be surprised if either were models/actors, rather then 'every day people'.


    I joined near the beginning of last year, and there wasn't much around, lol. (a V4 skin texture, and Wachiwi) After a year of nothing, I decided to hell with it, and started looking at ways to make a morph my self. D-forms can be extremely powerful, yet they have a few limitations. Hexagon is still beyond my skills, tho I'm learning. G2F is a solid platform that works (for the most part), G3F is drastically deferent with many incompatibilities and still has some 'growing pains'. Face morphs appear to be a 'safe' start in that they do not require clothing modifiers to function properly with the figure shaping morphs.

    I look forward to what you come up with in your set. I must bring my mother to the store today, So I do not know when I'll be back to play with your face morph set later on today.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    I've tried d-formers, and they can be useful, but I find them frustrating; they like morphs created in Hexagon, for clothes, don't really work as they should. A morph should work the same no matter the postion/location of the models.

    Hexagon is not so bad, I just wish there was a Blender bridge; the one for Hexagon is amazingly simple, and performs as expected; I wish the same could be said for Zbrush.

    BTW: I've updated the morphs.

  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited September 2015

    Ah, just guessing, they go in the same path as the old one (the zip is missing the path)... Looks good.

    1340 x 764 - 331K
    Post edited by ZarconDeeGrissom on
  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    edited September 2015


    Ah, just guessing, they go in the same path as the old one (the zip is missing the path)... Looks good.

    Damn, I was thinking I'd forgotten something but couldn't think what; yes same path should work. I've amended the file, thanks for pointing it out.

    Post edited by nicstt on
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