Carrara Challenge 65 - Turning Points - Voting Thread

DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
edited March 2023 in Carrara Discussion

Carrara Challenge # 65 - Turning Points - Voting Thread - Voting Closes Midnight March 5 Daz Utah Moutain Time

Entry Thread.  Dictionary definition.  A 'turning point' is a point at which a significant change occurs.  Your challenge is to create an image, or one page of sequential images, or an animation inspired by the term 'turning point.' Any interpretation of 'turning point' is acceptable. 

 Minimum Requirements  --- Use Carrara's render engine or a related plugin like Octane, Lux, etc.  --- Postwork is welcome.  Please post the original unpostworked render in the challenge work-in-progress (WIP) thread.  Discussion encouraged.  --- WIP Thread participation.  Post at least one work in progress to this thread offering some insight to your creative process.  Examples include post-work or a scene setup or a discussion of a technique you used.

Find the WIP Thread Here.

February 25th is the Deadline.  This thread will be converted to the voting thread on February 25th Midnight, Daz Mountain Time (USMT) and voting ends March 5th Midnight Daz Utah time.

Please use the following format

Entry #



WIP Link:

Credits and Comments:


Post edited by Diomede on


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