Modular (space)ship builder?

Hello snazzy artists!
I was perusing the sci-fi stuff the other day because I'll be needing a bunch of assets for some board games I'm designing.
In particular, I was hoping to find some sort of customizable star/space ship builder. I wasn't surprised to not find any (although I did see a bunch of cool ships), so I thought I'd put up a forum post suggesting it would be a very nifty idea. I would love to see a set of parts for ships that I could put together to create all sorts of stuff a la the ship creaters from numerous sci-fi computer games. I know that's a ton of work, and I'm not sure how popular it would be, but I'd certainly buy the heck out of it and any subsequent expansion sets/textures for it. If there is already something like that out there, could someone point me in the right direction?
It's no longer in the store, but Davorama used to have a product called F.V.C.S. (Flight Vehicle Construction Set), as well as a G.V.C.S. (ground vehicle constructions set) and some add-ons. They had tons of parts, it was a fantastic idea. No idea why it isn't there anymore. You could try contacting this vendor to see what happened to it.
Simon-3D has several space ship construction sets at Renderosity. Poser format, but will work in Studio.
vwrangler, thanks! That's exactly what I'm looking for. I didn't even know about Renderosity.
I'm curious about :
It says it's for Bryce. Is it possible to use it for Daz without owning Bryce?
You would need Bryce to convert it.
That's actually a very odd set; he made a Poser version, but only sold it at Rendo. The last time I saw it I think it was in clearance (they both may be gone by now), not sure about the add-on pack:
He has newer sets, but I still prefer the first one.
-- Walt Sterdan
Yeah, they're both unavailable. I think he replaced them with the 8 space ship construction kits.
I'm actually rather interested in the space station kits. I'll be getting the ship kits, but I didn't even consider there would be something like that for stations, and it even perfectly fits the aesthetic of the game I'm purchasing them for.