sometimes you have to do things sideways

I have an interesting issue with some of my softwares (not Carrara, postwork ones)
1920x1080 is not the same as 1080x1920 in some because there is a maximum height they can cope with
after fighting countless errors the bleeding obvious occured to me
I need to render sideways!!!!
can rotate it afterwards
it was Flowframes interpolater in this case but encountered it before
the trouble is YouTube shorts are vertical shots and still usually HD just portrait
Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
I use Waifu2X-Caffe
rendering bigger is always better though
Thanks for this heads up. I often forget seemingly simple solutions.
3drendero, thanks for the link. I have never tried video2x.
"I've lived a life that's full
I've traveled each and every highway
But more -- much more than this -- I did it sideways."
