wha has upgraded from v4.2 to v7,,,been away for a while,,,thanks
i have been working on a lot of other stuff for a couple of years and had an opportunity to reinstall Daz And Carrara again,,I must say "Well done." I am very impreseed with all i see that has changed and upgraded. I kinda wish i had been here forall this. But it didnt happen. Can i get a quick break down of what has up graded from v4.2 to v7. ? I understan tha the genisis series are totaly different and may not be the way i need to go ,i have so much for the older v4.2. And i see carrara has gotten an up grade,,,,man we used to fight over this,,,Carrara was the only software i could afford back then and maybe i should go over to the carrara discousion page foe that. One last thing, about the content directory set ...very different,,,but i think i like it,,where is the best video on that thanks to veryone !
WB. Lots to learn, here is the most basic stuff.
if you use genesis you don't need magnets or unimesh fits anymore :)
Genesis - Unisex, Supermorphing power ranger. Men, Women, Monsters, Kids. All can wear same outfits. Genesis can use some Generation 4 content. Clothes work via autofit tool. Supports Gen 4 skins. Poses need tweaking. Facial expressions and morphs would require buying tools to transfer them. There is a manual process to transfer mrophs from V4 to genesis, but its a lot of work.
Genesis 2 - Split back to Male/Female Forms. Can use Genesis(1) stuff, but not Generation 4 by default. There are things you can buy for that.
Genesis 3, Female only so far, male coming soonish. Can't use V4 or Genesis(1) stuff by default. Can use Genesis 2 clothes with autofit. There are tools to use clothes all the way back from V4 up to Genesis 2. Due to drmatic changing in material zones, you can't use V4 materials on this generation. And don't expect a tool for that. Genesis 3 doesn't work in Carrara to my knowledge.
yea,, i read thar 3 times,,,thanks. i knew i needed to ask...how ever thats what makes this stuf so intresting, and i love it.
i tried to keep it as high level as possible so you could figure out where to go from there. but we are around for more questions as they come up :)
hey thanks,,, i think i got most of it. festina liente,,,,party slowly! now full steam ahead. thanks