Raised cornea for G9?

in The Commons
This might be a bit of n00b question, but how to adjust the cornea bulge or to raise the cornea on G9?
All my G9 experiment's eyes look flat.
thanks for any help.
its the same with a lot of G8
well there's a cornea bulge morph...
Yes there's a bulge morph for G8, but what about G9?
To my knowledge, there isn't one. But in my opinion, it's not needed.
G9s basic set up is lovely, and the only thing needed is a catch light. Certain angles they can appear flat because the eyesurface shader lacks volume. I have a set in the store that is set up to refract correctly on the cornea and will give more depth if you really require it.
It has a bulge by default. Did you want it more pronounced?
A Geometry Shell is a copy of the base geometry, it cannot be acted on apart from that other than scaling/push modifier and materials.
Would you be willing to share the math and/or science behind your volume/refraction technique so that I might be able to adapt it for Poser? Currentlty, I use a feathered mask to vary the refractive index. It's 1.38 for the whole eye surface, except that on the region covering the iris/pupil, that number gets multiplied by 1.34, the refractive index of the aqueous humor, if I recall correctly.
I have done something very similar with masks too Gregorius. G9 no longer has its own cornea surface so it is a challenge. There is no real math. IOR of real world is a good starting point for the cornea, but theres a lot of variables (3d inaccuracies, shaders etc) that make things like this not "real world". I offered a setting of 1.34 (default), and several others(much higher) that you can see in the example and just labeled them as strengths. Below is just as example of how the G9 eye behaves with different lights at different angles with my other settings. Most noticably is the size and strength of the reflection on the cornea.
As of, refraction index at surfaces tab seems to be the only option to adjust the eye reflection
Not really ~ and it has nothing to do with DS version but Iray Uber shader + settings on G9 EyeMoisture surfaces.
Setting Refraction Weight as 1.0. is the prerequisit of makeing Eyemoisture transparent. Then Glossy Layered Weight literally controls the reflection effect.
You can also use Cutout Opacity maps to customize "reflection effects" as chevybabe showed. In that way, you won't need Refraction Weight anymore.