Seeking a Pormel
My writing partner and I wrote a novel about a colony world with severe tech loss. It's a good book and we're getting ready to publish it but we need a cover and it would be better in the cover included a pormel. The pormal mostly just called pigs is a designed creature. It uses genetic material and body form from pigs horses and camels from the pig it gets the omnivore traits and the shape of it's head which is why they came to be called riding pigs or just pigs from the horse it gets the hair and part of the body design. From the camel gets the ability to store food and liquids in the fat of it's "humps" and from wholly artificial gene groups it gets the shape pf those humps. Basically it grows it's own saddle. A soft cloth saddle is usually added as a place to attach stirrups and packs. It it was designed to be easy and comfortable to ride. And to be friendly toward humans and highly trainable.
"Designed? Pigs were designed?" Sam asked.
"Yes. They are not entirely pigs. The pormel is a genetically engineered animal primarily based on the domestic swine, but with horse and camel genes, as well as wholly artificial gene structures, included in its makeup. They can eat almost anything, even derive some nourishment from dirt."
Sam laughed and got out of bed. "That's true enough. I've seen pigs do it. What's a horse?" On the wall screen opposite Sam's bed there appeared an image of a horse standing next to a picture of Porky. "Now that is the ugliest pig I ever saw," Sam said, referring to the horse.
After the initial story Paula commissioned a painting but I can't find the artist so we can't use his or her art in the cover. What I need is a promel that can be posed
There I've been snippiting the story at least the first part of it on the WarSpell Facebook group.
And her is a photo of the picture Paula commissioned the artist is JL Ward.
Gorg Huff
P.S. I can be contacted at [email removed] if anyone has any questions.
Moved to Art studio as you seem to eb looking for someone to do the art rather than a product that would stand for the beast in your own image.
Looks like a pig and camel could be kitbashed together with some generous postwork.