Axis Tool Has Disappeared
I am Using the latest version of DS 4.8. I recently started a project and for some reason, the Translation/Rotation Tool has disappeared from the screen. I can move my objects through the translation/rotation pane, but there are times when it's much easier to just grab a handle and do it manually. In case I have the name of the tool wrong, I referring to the little XYZ Axis that appears when you select an object. I have no idea how I turned it off, and I can't seem to find how to switch it back on. In all the years I've been using DS, I've never had this happen. I know this problem probably has a very simple solution that I am overlooking, but it's making me a little crazy. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
From the menu, select Tools, then pick whichever tool you wanted. Not sure if you wanted just the Translate tool (circled in the screenshot) and/or Rotate, or the Universal tool that allows translate and rotate together. You can also select the tool's icon from the toolbar, if your toolbars are laid out that way. (In my screenshot I can select the universal tool from the toolbar, but the Translate tool isn't there because I didn't put it there.)
Thanks you for the help! It solved my problem (except for the headache I have from slapping myself for missing such an obvious solution)