Depth of Field Canceling out Soft Shadows?
Okay, I've run into an oddity of sorts. I was playing with my scene and soften the shadows a tad on AoA's Advanced Distant Light to 80%. My test render shows them blurring the scatter pattern perfectly. So, I think go to my Camera, turn on Depth of Field to blur the scene behind my character and the scatter pattern that should blur in the shadows stays. It's not blurring.
Does Depth of Field cancel out the Soft Shadows in the DoF's blurred area?
I've attached a sample image so you can see what I'm talking about. The shadows of the beams on the ground look fine close up, but as you move farther back, you can clearly see the scatter pattern that should have blurred.
The character is a custom morph of G2F. The dress is a new freebie from WilMap. They look fine, so I'm fairly certain they aren't causing any issues.