Attention (please) all hair artists!

It's a great thing to build and dress characters in DAZ and then export them in fbx to other programs (Maya Max etc) -- but the hair winds up as a simple mesh object that cannot be "grasped" by Shave and a Haircut, Hair Farm, Hair & Fur, etc.and thus can't be refind into photoreal hair that blows in the wind, etc, or is renderable in Vray hair, etc far as I know. I wonder a) if I'm wrong, b) whether any DAZ hair artists use any of these Autodesk plugin programs when designing a 'dos and might make the original available with purchase, or c) if anyone could figure out a script or program that could convert a DAZ 'do (by "painting" it with splines or something) into something these other programs COULD grab onto ... I'm sure there'd be a market for such a program, given that "hair artists" who work directly in these plug-ins charge a (relative) fortune and take at least week to do one head ...
The type of hair mostly used in Studio IS a simple mesh object with 'transparency' (alpha) maps used to create the 'strands'. It's not strand or particle or spline based (unless you are talking Look At My Hair or Garibaldi...then those are RiCurve based and 'locked' so they aren't translatable to other curve systems or splines or whatever).
And you somewhat answered your own question..."given that "hair artists" who work directly in these plug-ins charge a (relative) fortune and take at least week to do one head ..."
It wouldn't be any different for any of the hairs would take the creating artist a very long time and as such, would have to be priced beyond what most who shop for assets here would even think about paying. So it wouldn't sell and the creating artist would have no motivation to do there wouldn't be any that show up in the shop, because there aren't any sales for it...
there are a lot of advantages of mesh hair, that is why they are used so much in this market. Vast majority of users still prefer mesh hair(again this market). You have a few vocal committed users for LAMH and GH, and others use it on occasion...but the fact that mesh hair keeps sellling and is very visible in most Daz/poser users renders says a lot about its usefulness.
Once you make it mesh hair, that is what it is. It's not going to be dynamic. You are better off making RiCurve based hair from sratch, or leveraging the hair solutions found in the autodesk tools. Also keep in mind the price of those hair tools versus the price of what most DS/Poser users are willing to pay...
I'd pay more for hair that does more; there are many poses that there is a huge amount of time taken to get it lookin sort of ok, where dynamics of some sort would actually pose the hair naturally. Of course, hair like that would fulfill more requirements and so I'd buy fewer hair sets, buy if paying $100-$200 dollars got me hair that would replace a few $10-$20 options, I'd go for it.
There are no hair dynamics in studio. At least not currently.
With the current hair sold, I've seen many that have great morphs to help. However, they aren't going to address all needs. You just have to get comfortable making your own morphs for your special needs. I just make morphs as needed for particular scenes. No way a content creator can address that for users.
Yeh I've just recently started doing my own morphs for hair; it is even more of a pain than clothes.
Once you get some practice it may be faster than trying to figure out the right combination of pre-existing morphs to get you going. Hair is all about knowing how to manage a complicated mesh effeciently. SOmetimes I use the built in moprhs as a start, then adjust the rest of the way in hex. only takes a few minutes and ends up much better than it started.