how to pan and rotate without using daz tools and just using mouse or mouse+ keyboard
how to pan and rotate without using daz tools and just using mouse or mouse+ keyboard
at around 29:33 in this video
the user is panning and rotating without using the daz tools for that
I havent noticed that ever before and was wondering if anyone knows of how that can be done,
I treid any combinition of mouse wheel, right mouse down, holding down control key or alt during those etc but no results
There is a toggle to turn that on and off. It's in my navbar as per the screenshot but can't remember if it's default or not.
When you activate that then you can move about using WASD Q&E.
Oh, and it will be holding down the middle-mousebutton (sometimes this is pressing the wheel down) to "look around"
That is drag plus modifier - I can't recall the defaults, ctal-alt-left/right button for orbit/rotate I think but you can check in Window>Workspace>Customise at the bottom.
Yes, they are where Richard say.
But I don't know the default, as I am pretty sure I have customized mine. I use MMB for rotate and Shift-MMB for pan.
thank you!