Ultrascenery scale landscapes seem way to small? fixed
Posts: 917
I decided to jump on the ultrascenery band wagon and got the addons as well as the base system
Now when I build a scane they are tiny with Lyra for scale I assume I am doing something wrong or am i meant to scale down for the landscapes? the image is using Island 1 from landscape-features-volume-1
600 x 900 - 700K
Post edited by Pitmatic on
Ooh, that definitely looks odd. The base landscape should be 64m square, so either that has been shrunk to a small percentage somehow, or Lara is a real giant. Are they both showing as 100% scale in the Parameters tab?
yes both Lyra and the landscape are 100% USC is making it that size?
no matter what landscape i create its tiny
If i load the props directly they are full scale
could work for a tabletop gaming model
ok bit weird....
noticed that the ultrascene node was scaled to 1% and everything else was 100%
repeatedly that node was always created at 1% eventualy I tried adding a camera to the scene and the next regend landscape was the correct size still need to try all the packs out but its working now.
Well that was weird, never happed to me. Still I'm glad that it seems to be working for you now.
mmm it seems to be doing it with the newer content arrgghh
I have a 12 year old I7 3rd gen with 16gb ram and a GTX1050 that is there for morale support
OK it seems its the trees that are making the scene shrink... if I add in the tall pines the problem occurs
Even if you add the camera first? (It occurs to me that I normally create at least one camera before I create a USC scene.)
I'll see if I can somehow reproduce your problem - will take a while as my DS machine is not this one.
Well I just tried buidling Island 1 with no camera and still no problem. So I can't reproduce your problem at all.
Could you run through the exact steps you are following please? i.e. from opening DS to observing the tiny landscape.
OK it is my fault i assume as i did not have the natures trees pack installed once installed everything works its odd that the tree pack being missing made the landscape tiny?
now i just need to get the trees to sit in the ground a bit better lol need to do a bit of reading :)
If you want to tweak things, there's bucket loads of stuff in here
well, i love that smaller scene, as well as your island right above.
Well I never would have guessed that might be the cause! Hope you enjoy the USC world now it's working.
Thanks for the help guys I suspect this is going to be a deep rabbit hole