G9 Starter Essentials Update?

JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288

I manually download all of my purchases, and suddenly the G9 starter Essentials is at the top of my product library list. Has there been an update/ Is this something tyhat needs to be removed and reinstalled?


  • I had the same & looked through the readme's in the documentation centre. It looked as if the last update was in December 2022, so there doesn't appear to be a particular reason for it.




  • Calliope23Calliope23 Posts: 534

    I use DAZ Connect, and I also have G9 Starter Essentials at the top of my product library. It says the order was added manually.

  • Same here. It's a bit weird. Putting it at the top of my product library isn't going to make me use it. 


  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,900

    I think it probably should always have said "manually added" for any existing customers. In any event, I download through DIM, and it hasn't appeared there in the last two days for me. I suspect that may mean that it's a metadata-only update; those don't appear in DIM normally. Those should appear in Connect (which I don't use).

  • ioonrxoonioonrxoon Posts: 894

    There's some issue with it, it keeps staying on top even after the 2 orders I placed since then.

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