using content

Hello!!! since a lot of time, I was using poser to manually install daz content, (runtime, librairies, textures, etc...); for one reason or another, I never been comfortable with the automatic installer, and do it manually; ok, my hard disk crashed, I buy a new computyer, I don't have poser (the old one I had), no idea where, since 15 years, the disk is!
I try to install an equivalent workflow, with daz studio, buit don't understand, with the DIM, how it works; I mean: is it possible to install a version of daz studio (or an old of poser), find in "softwares, etc" the "runtime" folder, and re install manually Michale or Victoria, or tghe stuff I own?
thank you for helping!!!
ps: I know I ve already ask, but I don't undersqtand how to do with the DIM...
DIM will install it wherever you want to install it, make sure you check Poser Format in advanced settings
Carrara should autodetect the runtime
If I were to start again, I would still install DS manually, just like any other Windows program, but I would use DIM to install content, as it gives notice of the updates.
One thing to keep in mind, when starting DS the first time... Do not log in and do not give DS your login details to DAZ site/servers
thank you for your answers!!!
but I'm confused: I ve used the DIM installator, I can open daz studio and use a charcater, but carrara (8.1) donesn't detect any runtime..and if I go on "program files..; daz studio", I don't see the folder "runtime", as I was accustumed in poszer 6...
also, wher to download the daz studio soft, to install it directly?
sorry for newbie questions!!!
the runtime might be in program files and set to hidden
this is why you should install it to where you want to such as documents
I actually think the default is in Public documents
C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library
you can righclick and change your properties of the program files folder to show hidden
also make sure you are installing Poser content as DAZ content such as the Genesis figures are in duf format and need to be added to the browser as a DAZ content folder not a runtime
only genesis 1 and 2 will work as is in Carrara
For your DAZ Studio Runtime look for your My DAZ 3D Library, try your C:/Users/Public/Documents
I have a custom install but your Runtime will be located there.
You might need to point Carrara to your Runtime
Everything one has bought at the DAZ shop, can be found in ones Product Library here at the site,
There are download links for manual installation and for DIM.
Direct link to DS4;
When installing content, it is a bad idea to install it to ones C-drive. 1. the C-drive WILL run out of space very quickly, 2. When one does have problems with a drive, most of the time the problem is with the C-drive due to the OS being on it, 3. the default installation locations are in danger to be highjacked by OneDrive.
I'm not sure I understand completely, but FWIW ... I do not use DAZ's "Install Manager". I download all Poser format products to their own folder, extract them and link to the "Runtime" folder in Carrara's broser - "Add Runtime". This has worked flawlessly for me for years. All these folders are on an external hard drive, backed up. Twice.