Bulit-in ethnicity

It would be great to be able to change the skin color and hair to something ethic as a built-in feature.


  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    edited September 2015

    You can change the skin color yourself. The settings are in the surfaces tab. Have you looked into that part of the tool yet?

    They typically only give away one simple hair style for free each generation(in the starter essentials anyway). It is a pretty neutral one that works for anyone really.

    Daz sells add on content so the solution to go further than this is to buy or find freebies to add the diversity you want.



    Post edited by larsmidnatt on
  • Thanks larsmidnatt.smiley

  • The various 'Amazing Skins' products are great for doing exactly this effect. Just keep in mind that they alter the skin tone as a whole! You won't get, say, lighter palms retained. I've been playing around with Amazing Skins to get a male Native American skin tone, so that I can have a G2M counterpart for the Wachiwi character.

    At the moment, if you want everything to remain anatomically accurate, obtaining an available character for the correct ethnicity is your best bet. Then just place the skin on whichever shape you want. There are also some ethnic-specific head/body shape sets available, but they don't usually include skin for them.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047
    Ethnics for Genesis and G2 are useful for quickly dialing up figures, though I've managed to capture various groups decently with general morph packs. Skin Builder is a great way to create a variety of skin types, with Skin overlay to add even more character.
  • The ethnics for Generation 4 were also good. Shame they stopped that practice.

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,063

    I've been playing around with Amazing Skins to get a male Native American skin tone, so that I can have a G2M counterpart for the Wachiwi character.

    Another thing you may want to try is Falcon for M4 > Michael 4 for Genesis 2 Male.



  • MoreTNMoreTN Posts: 303

    If you're looking for African models, then this is a great thread with a fantastic resource list http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/368/

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