instructions and 2K template for super-precise Aiko3 lips textures

mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
edited September 2015 in Freebies

As you may know, the usual texture maps for Aiko's lips place it somewhere in the center of a 3013x2048 image.

Even at that resolution, the lips are just 280x140 pixels.

Since we have texture "tiling" since Daz Studio 2, we can use it to improve on this.

the attached template image is a very precisely made cutout from a much larger template


you can create your lips texture based on this template

apply it to Aiko3's lips surface

set the Horizontal Tiling and Vertical Tiling to 8

set the Horizontal and Vertical offsets to 0.5

and there you have it! ultra precise lips textures!

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The Making of

I want high precision (8X) , i use mcjTailorsChalk and i produce a 24104 x 16384 template of the lips surface

we want round numbers so we'll crop it along eigths

the lips fit nicely in an 1/8/ x 1/8 rectangle

located at 7/16, 9/16

and oh surprise, the resulting cropped image needs to be 3013x2048

7/16*24104 =10545.5

9/16*16384 = 9216

so that's the upper left corner of our crop area ( 10546, 9216) 

you could do this using a good paint program

or using imagemagick and this command line

c:\imagemagick\convert aikolips8X.png -crop 3013x2048+10546+9216 aikolips1X.png


But instead, i want to get a 2000 pixels wide image,

so i use mcjTailorsChalk and produce a 16000 x 10876 image

my crop area is 2000x1359 the crop position is 7000, 6117

my imagemagick command line

c:\imagemagick\convert aikolips16000x10876.png -crop 2000x1359+7000+6117 aikolips2000x1359.png

1500 x 1500 - 460K
2000 x 1359 - 32K
800 x 800 - 290K
Post edited by mCasual on
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