Zebra for Daz Horse 3

For some reason, there never have been any zebra models for DAZ Studios. There needs to be a zebra morph for Daz Horse 3.


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,848

    Now that you mention it, I don't think there's been one since the original Millenium horse

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,784
    edited March 2023

    Leana said:

    Now that you mention it, I don't think there's been one since the original Millenium horse


    Yep, and that was 2004, so it's been almist 20 years since there was a zebra for DS. The Milhorse one isn't to bad if you need one in a pinch, but it is really lacking in detail and realism, especially with the tail and mane.  I'd like to see a realistic and detailed new zebra myself.

    I just threw this scene together in the last 20 minutes to show the Milhorse one with subd added and the textures tweaked for Iray.


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  • LilwolffLilwolff Posts: 199

    I agree with OP, I think it's time for an actual Zebra for Daz Studio. The old one was for Poser and is no longer available.  While I have the old Zebra I have only used it as a far away background figure. 

  • AstraffelAstraffel Posts: 215
    edited May 2023

    I was actually surprised when I didn't find a zebra add-on for Daz Horse 2 or any others in the store! All any horse model really needs is the striped coat and a short "mohawk" style mane. I'm sure it's still a lot of work, but it seems easier than some of the other add-ons available. It might have a good ROI for any PAs interested.

    Edit: Personally, I'm really into prehistoric and extinct animals as artwork is (currently) the only way to "bring them back to life" and would love to get something like a "Quagga" or other ancient style equine as are often portrayed in paleoart.

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  • Fae3DFae3D Posts: 2,644

    I would also love to see a Zebra for Daz Horse 3, and perhaps an Okapi as well?  In fact, with a bit of work, someone might even be able to morph it into a nice giraffe, who knows?

  • AstraffelAstraffel Posts: 215
    edited May 2023

    An okapi would awesome! I kinda get tapir-saiga-okapi vibes from Tapirdary (https://www.daz3d.com/tapirdary-for-daz-horse-3) though that's less Fi more Sci-Fi. I feel like there is a bit of a lack of horned ungulate variety. Some horn structures are too complex and need unique props, but imagine if a base Horse (2 or 3) had as much horn variety as Dragon 3! There are especially some antelope varieties that have crazy headwear!

    Post edited by Astraffel on
  • lou_harperlou_harper Posts: 1,163

    How about a llama?


  • AstraffelAstraffel Posts: 215
    edited May 2023

    This one >> https://www.daz3d.com/loveable-llamas << is the only version I am aware of, but a new, high quality llama would be awesome too!

    Post edited by Astraffel on
  • butterflyfishbutterflyfish Posts: 1,275

    If somebody does one, I hope they get the tail right. Zebra tails are different than horse tails. The long hairs don't go all the way to the base of the tail.

  • Fae3DFae3D Posts: 2,644

    If they could start making horned animals like antelope and bongos and such from the Daz Horse 3, and actually give us a full safari option with zebras and okapis and giraffes, I would be on cloud nine!  We have some gorgeous lion options, and a pretty nice elephant, they need other animals to hang out with!

  • AstraffelAstraffel Posts: 215
    edited May 2023

    I usually have an encyclopedia for animals in my head but I had to look that one up.

    I wholeheartedly agree. Look at that little one and those giant ears!

    edit: issues resizing image (attached below)

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  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,784
    edited April 2023

    There used to be an addon for the old DAZ buck that was an antelope pack with several different antelopes, but sadly it is no longer in the store and knowing how the store works, I highly doubt we will ever get a multi pack, just one type at a time if at all.

    there are a few Arabian Oryx, Gemsbock, Sable and greater Kudu models at the normal 3D sites I would love to have for DS.

    Post edited by FSMCDesigns on
  • Epic82Epic82 Posts: 129

    I'm glad someone asked for this. I asked for a Zebra for Daz Horse 2 back in 2018 here. I'd also like to see a new one. I don't have Daz Horse 3. Honestly, I'm not interested in many of the latest generations of animal and human models. But if someone makes a zebra for Daz Horse 3, that would motivate me to purchase it. An Okapi, as Fae3d has suggested, would be interesting as well.  

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