Question about G2 female textures

I'm stated G2 female because I haven't noticed this on G2 male textures. And I never had this with V4 textures either. I just noticed this when I started buying G2 female models. It seems like almost every texture set that comes with the G2 female models I've bought recently, and even including texture builders like Macro Skin and !Skin Builder.
My question is regarding the limb textures. The legs are way darker than the arms. In some cases the legs are so much darker that in some light setting you can see the color difference in the hip and leg seams. Is there something wrong with the way my Daz Install Manager is downloading the textures or is this the norm?
Maybe it's the norm so that the female models will look like they're wearing panty hose or something. But that looks funny in renders where the model is not wearing a dress, but a bathing suite, etc.
I know it may be impossible to change it because it's just how the texture comes with the model so this question is most likely a long shot. But is there some sort of settings I can't figure out that evens the uneven tone?
No it is nothing wrong with the's a settings issue.
Which renderer and does it show in the viewport or just the render?
Thanks for the reply. It shows in the render, and somewhat in the viewport. I've been working with IRay and also some with Reality 2.5. I'm not good with settings of this nature so I usually try to render the skin settings as is and only struggle with such as eye settings. lol. I've copied and attached the limb texture of the model I most recently purchased. It's turned out to be the most extreme. This is one of the ones I mentioned where the darkness of the leg texture actually shows as a seam where it meets the hip texture. Any advice would be most appreciated.
You'll need to change the image...a full pic isn't allowed (a rendered image would be, but not the image map, itself).
Now, that is much more than a settings problem...
That's almost as if part of the image (as in a layer) was one color profile or gamma correction setting and the rest was somehting else.
You're right. I thought maybe the tone could be evened out by settings and that's what I was looking around so hard for. But I guess there's no settings that change the actual texture. I have a huge inventory of V4 textures and I figured out how to remap G2 character for those and some G1 textures that don't have the harsh tone change I can also remap.
Thanks for the input.