Script to help chain together multi-frame animated poses

I've had such difficulty and poor results trying to use aniblocks [no, thank you, I do not want to talk about that] that I have been converting the ones I want to use into multi-frame pose presets and using those on the native timeline. Also, some animation products are being offered that way (as poses rather than aniblocks) in the store.
The key difficulty I hit in doing that is that pose preset animations accomplish figure motion by moving the hip, and so, they do not readily chain together one after another; the second one "restarts" at the figure's origin rather than "continuing" from the end.
There may be other / easier / simpler ways to handle this, but, the solution I've arrived is a script to (primarily) modify the X and Z translation and Y rotation of the hip and the figure (or, preferably, a Null parent of the figure) in the last frame of the sequence. In effect the script transfers those components of the hip movement to the figure's root / parent. That done, the subsequent pose sequence adds to the figure movement rather than restarting it.
It's a bit more complicated than that, as explained in the readme, which is a PDF in the attached zip, along with the script.
The HipToFigure script is offered here, free, under the MIT License, "in the hope that others may find it useful but with no warranty of any kind" that it will be.

maybe one could blend the extremities of the animation curves, along with the hip-position/orientation synchronization
i think mcjRepeatAction's drop-to-floor function and maybe even mcjToeWalkeer could be of use in this task
when figures always have a foot on the ground
Isn't this supposed to just work easily out of the box? That is, chaining two animations together? But everytime I try I run into the same problem as the OP. But I wonder, is it just because I've set my timeline to the wrong keyframe mode? Or some other mistake I've made that I could easily fix?