Wormbeast... Finally...

I’m finally back with a new creature; the long awaited Wormbeast.
It took me a while to complete this set because there’s three characters included; the male; the female and the juvenile each one having two texture sets and six pose presets. And that’s just a starter. More stuff to come.

2000 x 667 - 466K
Here's more render.
Whoa, that's nice!
excellent set.
Here's even more renders...
Wormbeast comes with Iray shaders; 3Delight shaders and Poser shaders. It should look good no matter what renderer you're using.
Sold! Any ETA?
- Walt Sterdan
At least 2 weeks from now.
Sweet! Definitely gonna want that.
No visible eyes make these look better and more unique! If oneof the Baryolax expansions gives it such a morph, these could even pass as its offspring. I wonder if emissive shaders could be used in Iray to give the skin a slight florescent glow through water...
What's the difference between the male/female models?
The female ones are even more dangerous than the male.
So ... cute. The third preview image, "At Home with the Wormbeast Family" is just adorbs.
Thanks guys for your comments.
Well, the male is a bit bigger with a bulkier build while the female is more streamlined. I separated them into 3 figures mostly because I can make better normal maps for them which mean better details.
Also I’m working on a Texture Set to bring even more style to the wormbeasts. Like a lava wormbeast, a rock wormbeast and even a bioluminescent one which is going to look awesome with Iray.
Suggested add-ons: millipede/centipede/caterpillar legs; down, spikes, and quills, especially across the top of the head and along the spine.
You've actually got a good basis for one of David Gerrold's Chtorrans there, minus the googly eyes and the mantis arms.
I'm definitely buying this when it comes out.
That would make a great addon. Thanks for the suggestion.
the worms are so adorable
They look like they are singing. ;)
Definitely something I'm gonna want, and that's a fact!
Amazing work with the subsurface settings. Their textures look awesome! I really love the family set too. It makes them more realistic when you have gone to the effort to have both genders and offspring. Love it!
Thanks Saiyaness for your nice comments.
Here's another render of a dead juvenile Wormbeast.
Poor baby :(
I want wormbeast as it is so cool.
Good news everyone, Wormbeast should be released this Monday, second of November.
Excellent! Eagerly awaiting!
Credit card standing by...
-- Walt Sterdan
Tomorrow? Yeah!
I am not finding it in the store atm. I can't remember if I already got it or not.