Univeral morphs (maybe by scripts) for undressed Clothing

I do not know if this is possible but it would be cool to have universal morphs applicable on different clothes to let them look like undressed, means: not while fitted to or parented to figure but as undressed clothes used as seperate items lying around on the floor on a bed on a floor on a table or wherever. So would be nice to have that for pants, shirts, underwear (I think skirts are bit to difficult).


  • I don't think that would be possible with a script, at least not one that ran at a reasonable speed. You really need a general-purpose dynamics engine for this, which would almost certainly have to be a plug-in.

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609

    I don't think that would be possible with a script, at least not one that ran at a reasonable speed. You really need a general-purpose dynamics engine for this, which would almost certainly have to be a plug-in.

    well that would be also okay if someone would make it :)

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047
    edited September 2015

    As I think has been noted previously, your best bet for that is dynamic clothing which can very easily do what you describe.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited September 2015

    As I think has been noted previously, your best bet for that is dynamic clothing which can very easily do what you describe.

    the problem is that: If the figure wears a short tank top for example with some kind of texture and then the tank top is turned off and should be on the ground or on the bed, and you got no tank top as dynamik clothing, you have a problem then. And it is to expansive to buy clothes just to put them somewhere. A tool that can do that with every clothes would be much more helpful and would be less expensive.

    Post edited by cosmo71 on
  • There are tools for doing that in 3D programs.  A free one is Blender and it has cloth simulation.  Others cost more.

  • Well, if you just doing stills and you have Hexagon (or others, Hex is my goto) you can ship the clothing item to hex,

    Flatten , fold squish or whatever to it - rename it, export it back.

    Not a easy way, but a do-able way.


    Assuming, the clothing item can be exported to Hex...don't see why it could not be.

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609

    Well, is it so difficult for programmers to programm a plug in for DS?

  • Plug-ins aren't that ahrd, though they do require a degreee of Mac- and Windows-specific work that isn't necessary with scripts or content. The main issue is writing the dynamic simulation code, I imagine.

  • You must also remember people with skills to do stuff often do it where it makes them a good return on their investment. If I could write a good cloth simulation program, I wouldn't make it Daz specific...that would be limiting my market.

  • There are a small number of clothes that can be unfiited/unparented, and then reshaped and moved to look like clothing dropped on the floor. Not many though. I've managed to do this with the Magus shorts and T-shirt however, and the Jeanz for gensis. Most shoes/footwear can be unfitted and moved anywhere too, of course. But clothing that has no sliders for resizing can't be reshaped this way as far as i can see. I've yet to be able to neatly bundle/fold anything however. I definitely agree though that this would be a very nice capability to have and have wished for such myself many times.

  • Could this be done with a figure that has no depth? Like a cardboard cutout figure, and that has no visible texture. Would that allow the clothes to conform and go flat? I have no idea if that would work, it's just something that popped into my head while I was reading this.

    I think about this very same thing on a regular basis, for instances where you might have an animation where a person enters a room wearing a jacket, removes the jacket and drops it over the back of a chair for instance.

  • Not really, when you design clothes you design them around a figure. They are not flat. Making them go flat afterward is tough manually. It's not so easy to accomdate and wouldn't get used by most people.

    So when you do need to have clothes that drape you either need to process them through a simulation tool or do it yourself.

  • What would happen if for example, I took the V4 figure into Blender, scaled all the vertices in the Y direction to make the whole figure flat. Then applied that as a full figure morph, would that not cause any conforming clothing to equally go flat, or would the clothes simply stay the same shape as they were? I keep meaning to look into conformaing clothing but never get round to it, so I am merely speculating.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,848
    LeeC2202 said:

    Could this be done with a figure that has no depth? Like a cardboard cutout figure, and that has no visible texture. Would that allow the clothes to conform and go flat?

    You mean, if you take some clothing and conform it to some "flat" figure instead of the figure they're made for, would they get flat? That wouldn't work, conforming clothes to another figure doesn't adjust them to that figure's shape. Well, unless your target figure has an autofit clone designed for that purpose, but that would be very difficult to do IMO, and there's really no guarantee that the result would be useable.

  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    edited September 2015

    you just make morphs to the clothes. Forget the figure. Just send the clothes into blender.

    Problem is you really don't simply want it flat. It never looks right.  You can make the object flat in no time at all, but it won't look convincing.

    You need to have it folded a bit with some areas having wrinkles and stuff.


    I have done the simple flatten it out technique. you can even do it directly in daz studio if you really want. if it is in the distance it may be acceptable. just turn off the fit to and show hidden properties in the parameters tab. Then change the scale of which ever axis you need to something like 1. Then place it where you want.

    Post edited by larsmidnatt on
  • LeeC2202LeeC2202 Posts: 37
    edited September 2015

    Oops, sorry, I missed Leana's post which pretty much answered everything I posted here... just ignore this, it was my error/ :-(

    Post edited by LeeC2202 on
  • To the OP: are you talking about something like this?

    Make A Mess


  • To the OP: are you talking about something like this?

    Make A Mess


    they want something that works on all items.

  •  It would be nice it all clothing had that option, but I guess it would be too difficult or expensive to do so. A shame though. It would make more sense to me than some iof the things they do. ike, why do they need 100 different mods for bikinis and yet there isn't a single one for, say, a boy scout uniform?

  •  It would be nice it all clothing had that option, but I guess it would be too difficult or expensive to do so. A shame though. It would make more sense to me than some iof the things they do. ike, why do they need 100 different mods for bikinis and yet there isn't a single one for, say, a boy scout uniform?

    thats easy. Bikinis sell. Almost no one really needs a boy scout uniform. If one was ever made there would be no point in making another. Couldn't you retexture existing items to look like a boy scout outfit?

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