Making characters transparent

I'm incorporating 3d rendering into my current uni module and I want a character in my piece i'm creating to look like they're made of glass or transaprent or like chromatic? The character is basically the emotions/energy of heartbreak turned into a physical form.
I'll attatch my moodboard that features certain texturxes that are the vibe I'm wanting so if anyone has certrain suggestions or settings I can change in daz3d to achieve this look on a character I would be really greatful! I don't mind being suggested things that I can buy in the daz3d shop however being a uni student I have a tight budget haha but i'm all ears!

Screenshot 2023-04-30 at 23.40.34.png
849 x 481 - 821K
You could apply one of the Glass shader presets to the figure - select it, select all of its surfaces in the Editor tab of the Surfaces pane, then in the Presets tab under Shaders>Iray>Glass there will be several glass shaders that come with the Default Resources, along with any others you may have purchased. The main drawback of this will be that you will see the internal geeomtry (mouth and eyes) but no other internal details (although with Genesis 9 those are separate items and could be deleted).
Thanks for your responce! I have selected my figure and all of it's surfaces, however under iray there isnt a glass option? Unless i'm looking in the wrong place haha
That is odd - there should be far more ioptions than that with the Default Resources installed, and you wouldn't be gettign far if it wasn't. try unchecking the Filter By Context box at lower-left, in case it's an issue with the metadata derfining compatibility.
Ah yeah all fixed! trying out the glass shader is great! Thanks for the advice :)
I overlap 2 renders, one with the character one without, for videos I use the screen filter
May apply different glass even crystal shaders to nails, irises, sclera, etc. to make some subtle change...
I made two renders quickly and attached material presets. They're for G8.1F
These are the lights I used:
Good luck!