Hair in skin texture

Hi everyone, I'm trying to use hair, that work fine with the figure it came with, with an other figure with a better Mat texture but the hair comes out wrong (slightly off center and missing the roots).
And iI found that the hair cap is include in the skin texture file. How can I exctracte it ??

Capture d’écran 2023-05-01 155239.jpg
1123 x 1180 - 116K
Please don't post texture files.
Are they the same base figure? If not, or if they are but using different UV sets, then the maps will not necessarily align.
Yes they're both Genesis 8 Female. I've tried to use a geoshell but the hair overflows on the different surfaces.
Which hair/figure is it?
Yennefer of Vengerberg for Genesis 8 and 8.1 Female from Renderhub
Does it work better on 8.1? There isn't a lot of information on the product page.
If I understand correctly, there is hair on the texture map as well as 3D hair. If so, there isn't anything you can do because of the way they made this based on the files from a video game. You could try loading the head texture into photoshop or GIMP and then the head texture you want to use and erase the head from the game texture leaving just the hair parts and then combine that and save for future (personal use only) use.
Be aware you you purchase game characters made into Daz characters using parts of the actual game character they ripped from the game, there are usually problems like this
Yeah I was afraid that's what I needed to do... Thank you and thanks Richard for trying to understand.