Jars and containers (medieval setting)

emotephemoteph Posts: 3
edited May 2023 in Product Suggestions

There seems to be alot of clay pitchers, pots for flowers and glass jars. I'm trying to build well stocked shelves with different ingredients and ceramic jars\pots like these are something I havent come across.

They come in wide variations so this could perhaps be an idea to make as a set? It would of course be quite easy to just adjust the sizes and change materials of just one, but different patterns and perhaps painted on what it contains could be extra materials.


Image is from a webshop which i found on google, don't know if this is an issue?

1200 x 801 - 79K
Post edited by emoteph on


  • lou_harperlou_harper Posts: 1,163

    Crafting Herbs has a couple of jars, most medieval or viking sets have something. DM's Hidden Chamber has several.

  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,324

    There are PAs who have done wonderful work in the medieval period recently and during the 3Delight only time. Check out their stores.

    Faveral Longtime Medieval set and prop creator.

    Merlin Studios Longtime Medieval set and prop creator.

    The Alchemist Medieval sets wtih props in Iray.

    Strangefate An inn and a fantasy small person's home with wonderful props in Iray.

    Predatron plenty of products that had household items from the Medieval period. Some LoREZ if you need background filler on shelves.

    Valandar newer and older ones from Medieval period.

    If these don't fill your shelves, try a search on places and things with 'Medieval' and check out the artist's stores that pop up. I didn't give you a chemistry set from ARTCollaborations for example. But maybe you would find it works for you?


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