I Keep Getting an Error Message When Starting Daz Studio

When I pull up the studio I am getting an error message saying that a "Valid posgre SQL CMS could not be established. How do I fix this?
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When I pull up the studio I am getting an error message saying that a "Valid posgre SQL CMS could not be established. How do I fix this?
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That means that the CMS is not running which could be for a whole host of reasons. You'd have more chance of someone helping you if you specified the OS you are using and everything you have done Daz-wise since it last worked.
I am using windows, The last thing I did was create and rendered a scene. I shut Daz down for the night. I shut the computer down for the night. The next morning, I opened up the Reaper program (Home recording studio). I laid down some tracks, mixed them. Shut down everything and the computer. The next day I opened up Daz and I got the error message. I have been using Reaper and Daz on the same computer an HP Pavilion for 3 years with no issues.
I have restarted the computer multiple times. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Daz studio 4 times. I still get the "Valid posgre SQL CMS could not be established" message.
Ahh, OK, well that rules out most of the suggestions I had then :( I had the same error a few days ago which I had to spend ages sorting out - but it was on my Mac and was related to trying to update to the Beta version of Daz Studio. So none of that is really relevant here.
Do you have any anti-virus/firewall/security software that perhaps has done an update in the background since you last used Daz successfully? Perhaps that may be blocking the CMS from running or Daz from connecting to it. Also, I am assuming you let Daz and the PC shut down properly (so it finished all the scene-clearing stuff it likes to do)? Do you get any CMS error when running DIM at all? If that can connect and DS cannot then it maybe that the settings in the "CMS Settings" have changed accidentally. To check if the CMS has been started, when DS is running, hit Ctrl-Alt-Del and select Task Manager. In the search box type "postgre" and see if you have any processes named "PostgreSQL Server" running - there should be a few. If there are none then you likely have an issue with the PostgreSQL (CMS) software itself and if it is running then you have a communication problem between Daz Studio and PostgreSQL.
As for how to fix the issue that may be better left to someone else as my windows knowledge is very much out of date these days. My windows machine is only used for Daz and gaming and has so far been running without any issues.
1. Open DIM, check the 'Database Icon' in the upper right corner, make sure it's white (cms service is started). If it's grey, click to start it.

2. Press F2 in Ds, go to CMS Settings tab, check the path of cluster and port number. If the button on the right shows 'Start', click it.
3. Close Ds and restart it, see if the warning message is gone...
I'm having similar Postgre issue. Keeps telling me it's not running on startup YET it is...
So pls refer to what we suggested as above-mentioned, see if the issue could be fixed...
I did as you suggested. Didn't solve the issue unfortunately. Its running fine in DIMS. When i stop it and start it up in DIMS and then open DAZ and check there CMS is running, yet the message keeps popping up.
I have even done the "Content Database Maintenance" and die the "Re-Import Metadata & Process Meta Queue" and still same issue.
As i have said it's at this stage just a warning popping up as everthing seems to be working. Also logging off in DAZ and disabling those setting in F2/Startup as you suggested didnt help either CMS / Postgr and teh metadata issue i am having.
This sure is a strange / annoying issue but it's not hampering my work, just annoying. The Metadata auto updating has stopped so thank you for that. Now its just the postgr warning.
It's weird... so, even if that cms warning message popped up, Smart Content is still working ?
And pls open your log file, search 'postgre', see if there's any warning or error message, or attach the log file in here, we may help to check...
Yes, Smart Content is working fine even after the message and without me having to "start CMS"
Ok here's postgr part of the log file. If you want more let me know and thank you for trying to solve this.
ps. i added full log.
You don't have some weird character (i.e. non standard ASCII) in your computer user name, that it doesn't like?
Hmm~~ seems like a 'false warning' since Smart Content is working well ... Should not be the user name problem as it's pure Ascii in log file...
Line 880 shows the warning message... so @plarff, 1) is your Windows User a default 'Administrators' ? 2) Have you tried disabling anti-virus / firewall software ?
I run ESET NOD32 on both my pc's. I have a Render pc which all is working fine and my Work PC the one with above errors. Both have same Antivirus. So I highly doubt its that or WIndows Firewall. And yes i have disable NOD32 and same issue. I've read all previous solutions here on DAZ Forum how to fix the Postgr error which i have had in the past with older DAZ version from time to time.
So yeah its as you say i think, a "false warning" as everything seems to work fine. It's just now annoying to see the damn warning on startup.
Definitely no.
is your Windows User a default 'Administrators --
That will be a yes.
Multiple posts...
Okay, got it~ I've been using ESET for years, so I don't think ESET results in such an issue... no worry. I'm not able to figure out other reasons for the time being, but maybe you can install a Public Build and give it a try, see if the same issue will incur or not...
Is that the same case in you Render PC ? ! Also default 'Administrators' ? I ever helped a couple of my friends to fix some weird issues caming from such 'Administrators', though the issues were not related to cms but I just thought of a possibility...
After creating a new user with 'Administrator' (not 'Administrators'), those issues were all gone
Render pc also has full administrator rights and yes Render PC has no DAZ issues. I have an idea what might be happening here. I have posted a install to v4.21 issue and Richard helped or was trying to help me with where i couldn't for some reason Upgrade from v4.20 to v 4.21 using DIMS on my Work pc the one im having postgr issue's with.
I could Upgrade to v4.21 on my Render-PC so i copied the complete DAZ3d/Studio4 folder over from the Render-PC to my Work-PC Daz3d/Studio4 folder and now i can use v4.21. BUT i think this is maybe messing with the postgr and the metadata that kept updating.
It's no biggy as ive said before, just annoying.
ps. link to my old post
Wow, that was the story ! So still suggest you try these in your Work PC:
1) Shut Ds, open file browser, go to the path: %AppData%\DAZ 3D\Studio4\, there's a file named 'dazstudio.dau', delete it then open Ds to see if the message still popps up;
2) If the above doesn't work, try to install a fresh Public Build version... then testify such an issue happens or not;
If the issue is still pending, then Richard owes you a solution.
I just re read your possible solution and my pc is definitely Administrator as per Microsofts setup.
Ok i will try a bit later on and let you know... Once again thank you for your suport dude.
Deleting .dau file didnt work, still get postgr message... Ill try and install new Public build, if i can later...
I'll let you know. THx
Okay, okay ~ sometimes troubleshooting is just a course of trying everything you could think of, and by all means...
100% agree...