Help with asset

It's a long shot, but does anyone know where I can get a MEDICAL TRICORDER from STAR TREK THE NEXT GENERATION ?
I have one from a free download, but it;s in POSER FIGURE for M4 or V4 format, and everytime I try to parent it to anything even M4 or V4 it just disappears, so it's pretty much useless, if anyone has any ideas, or a workaround to stop it from disappearing that would be great.
Oh and I have already tried to convert it from figure to prop , and vise versa, and convert to weightmaped but again, it disappears .
Thanks Geordie
Here is a link the to forum thread for Star Trek. Page 1 seems to have links to assests. Not sure if that will help you. Hopefully someone from the thread will pop in and direct you to a specific source or help you with the product you have.
How about the prop in ?
memcneil70 , Thanks for the infor and link, nemesis10 , I already have those assets, they are great , but I was looking for the actual one seen in the show.
Have you tried turbosquid?
It may not be disappearing, if you see it in the scene list, then it may just be small (because poser scale is infinitely smaller than Daz Studio scale. Select the prop and try to scale it up, by 24000% (that's not a typo)
Well don't I feel dumb :( FirstBastian you are the man, your idea made me look at the scale of the product after parenting it to a figure, and it goes from 100% scale to 0.0058% scale . putting it back to 100% scale and viola fixed. thanks for all the help and suggestions guys, next time I'll know to check the scale :)
Thanks Again.