Vitruvian error - help, please.

Image A is an Iray render of the Vitruvian Exosuit, made in the viewport.
Image B is a normal Iray render of the same item.
Why are they so different, and how do I make the normal render look like the viewport render?

Vetruvian Exosuit - Error.jpg
1727 x 1088 - 290K
Post edited by reserv888 on
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My guess is that there is some displacement, that first become visible in the actual render.
Does the character have a geoshell?
Displacement was my first thought, too, but that doesn't look like the skin poking through the suit. It looks more like there's some weird opacity going on, but I don't think that's it either.
Thanks felis for you reply.
No geoshell on the character.
Don't know if there is a displacement thing either. Not much to find on the suit. (see image)
Thanks Gordig for your reply.
I belive it is the skin poking through. If i make the poke through parts of the character invisible, then the armor looks ok.
That could have been a work around, to make every poke through part of the charcter invisible, but then the head looks separated from the body, since the neck is gone.
The weird thing is that it doesn't matter how large i make the suit. There are still poke throughs.
What do you mean with "how large"?
You could add a push modifier to the suit and set it at 0.1-0.2 would probably fix it.
I scale the suit (with scale slider, under Parameters tab) to to make it larger.
I will test the push modifier.
Thanks for the tip.
Scaling moves everything away from a central point, which means that a surface that is nearer to the central point than the adjacent area of the base figure will get closer or even peentrate it. A Push Modifier moves the surface of the mesh outward, as defined by the local normal (iamginary line pointing up from the polygon) - in most cases that is what is needed to add a bit of extra space (obviously not always - a pipe or tube would just get thicker).