The Black House: data path issue?

I tried loading 3DStyle's The Black House and Environment scene and slammed straight into a these files could not be found error???
1>So I uninstalled
2>Deleted the download in case it was corrupt or incomplete etc (DIM)
3>Re-downloaded and re-installed (DIM).
exactly the same result???
So I'm guessing this product is busted somewhere, possibly the path.
Data files missing according to DS:
/data/3DStyle/The Black House/range 10/Rangé.dsf
/data/3DStyle/The Black House/range 11/Rangé.dsf
/data/3DStyle/The Black House/range 3/Rangé.dsf
/data/3DStyle/The Black House/range 6/Rangé.dsf
/data/3DStyle/The Black House/range 7/Rangé.dsf
/data/3DStyle/The Black House/range 8/Rangé.dsf
/data/3DStyle/The Black House/range 9/Rangé.dsf
/data/3DStyle/The Black House/range2/Rangé.dsf
/data/3DStyle/The Black House/range4/Rangé.dsf
/data/3DStyle/The Black House/TBH Range Of Stones/Rangé.dsf
So I browsed to the Data folder and the black house was not their???
This was impossible as the other black house components where.
I copied the install folder via the installed files list on the DIM.
Opened another folder with that location and it got weirder.
It is there, in the correct folder but does ot show up in folder I opened in DS, which mean both windows show the following:
The same drive
The same path: Users/Documents/Daz 3D/My Library/data
But only one had the Folder The Black House
My question 3DStyle or Daz3D:
Is this your product or the DIM as it sure isnt me?
Okay I think I have found the issue.
Copied both pasths to confirm they where the same and there is a space in 3DStyle's folder but the one containing the Black House main folder has a space.
F:\Users\Public\Documents\Daz 3D\My Library\data\3DStyle
F:\Users\Public\Documents\Daz 3D\My Library\data\3D Style
I think someone did a misstype, happens to us all;)
The weird thing is only one of the folders appears in each window?
Could someone confirm this?
Something is definetly wrong with the data/3DStyle folder(s)?
I could be wrong, but I suspect the three different versions of '3DStyles', '3D Styles', and '3D_Styles' where because different products used different "spellings". It's sloppy packaging, for certain (or maybe they had a reason for switching), but I'm not certain it's causing the load problems. I suspect the others are right that it's the Range.dsf files spelled with an accented 'e' inside the dsf file but saved under a different name in the filesystem ("RangT.dsf" on my Mac). I posted a bit more info in the thread that felis mentioned above.
And now I'm really going to sleep.
This issue is irrelevant to the folders but just results from the unicode of ' é ' character in DSON User File that do not match the file names of DSON Support Files in data folder.
The quickest way of fixing is to rename the dsf files:
Or wait for the author to update the products... but I really wonder how he could load the scene with no problem, there should be no link in b/t ' T ' and ' é '... not sure if there was any 'conversion issue'...