Help Warnings and the Log File after OS wipe.

Hey there, everyone! I recently wiped and reinstalled my OS, like you do sometimes, and reinstalled all of my favorite software including DAZ Studio. Like many people, my Daz Library is on another drive and I don't mess with it more than I have to. It's (mostly) organized and I like it the way it is. After reinstalling, I got DIM up and running to locate my manifest files and downloads folder. I got DAZ to do it's Database update for Smart Content (I know some people don't like Smart Content, and I don't blame you. I use both it and the Content Tab as the mood strikes me). Now everything seems to work. Kinda.
The problems I'm having are these:
- Following the reinstall load times for scenes skyrocketed. I am now getting thousands of error messages when I load the base characters. Mostly "Formula output property not found" and "Formula target property not found" but also some "Alias property reference not found". I'm used to seeing some, but nothing like this.
- I'm trying to dig through the logs to figure out what I need to fix, but the log is tens (or hundreds) of thousands of lines. The fact that spaces are denoted by %20 doesn't help. I know it's the way file paths have to be written, but it makes it harder to read.
So the help I'm looking for is:
- Any solid advice on the errors? I've tried to dig through the forums, but our Search function leaves a lot to be desired. Mostly I see people "how did you install the product?" which shouldn't really matter as the errors weren't as prevalent until after the OS and Studio were installed. A few said "it's just a warning, not an error. Just wait for it to finish and you'll be fine", but with the loads times I'm seeing I can't. Some suggested reinstalling the product, which I could do but with 70,000 lines of errors there are probably a lot of packages. I'd really rather not start over, especially since I've picked up a lot of products from Patreon and other sites that aren't DIM friendly.
- Has anyone ever seen a program that will parse the log out? Something that might give an idea of how long stuff is taking or compile a list of problems? I noticed that the "Formula ____ property not found." block took about 1m12sec for two simple characters out of 2m 31sec to load. The "Alias property reference not found" only took about 0.8 seconds. Obviously I'd like to work more on the 1m12sec problems.
I'm looking at kludging something together in C# to help sort though but my coding skills are sub-par. If there was something out there already, it would be a boon.
Any suggestions are welcome, even if it's "reinstall your content".
For reference, I'm running Windows 10 and the current version of Daz.
OK, so if I understand correctly, your Daz content was all on a separate drive and so not wiped as part of your re-install. However, are you sure that ALL your content was there? Also, have you definitely re-added all your Daz libraries using the correct paths? I am not fully familiar with all those messages but it does sound like something is trying to load and is missing dependancies.
I don't know of any good scripts/parsers for the log file so you may have to do this by hand. However, even tho there are many such lines, you may only have to analyse a few to point out where the issue is. For example, perhaps you have missed off one of your libraries which contains a vital product or perhaps you had accidentally baked a product into a default figure that was stored outside your separate drive? If you grab a few lines and try to figure out if the things that Daz is trying to look for a correctly installed or if they should even be being loaded at that point.
I suppose one thing to ask is - now that you have done the smart content re-import metadata does the total products shown under all products roughly match the amount of products you'd expect? From what I understand, the re-import metadata function will pull all dsx files from any /runtime/support folders it can find and so if the library is mapped incorrecly it presumably would not load them and thus that may point at a mis-mapped libary.
Other than that, perhaps you can post (attach) your log file and also a screenshot of the Content Directory Manager with all sections expanded?
The alternative option could be to run with the beta which is a bit better at handling the formula errors - although that may just be papering over the issue.
That usually means that the products you do have suport products you don't (a particularly common case is the Daz expression packs, as most characters will have corrective morphs to work with those so if the expression proerpties are not there - not installed, or blocked in Genesis 8.1 - then the link cannot be made. Dealing with those may have an impact, but I would not expect it to be major. Are you using the same securty software and settings as before?
Thanks for the quick replies. I've done a few things based on what you two said that seems to help a lot. The clue from Richard about 'product not installed' was very useful.
Now I'm down to a couple dozen errors that take about 10 seconds to work through. Now the challenge is to either (1) uninstall stuff I'm not likely to use or (2) carefully use Turbo Loader to reduce load times.
For reference, here's the kind of errors I was talking about:
Thanks again for the help.
Oh! And I'm still looking for something better than Notepad++ to view the log file.
The warning msg means: some DSON Support Files (morphs) in Zev0's Expression Smoother and Bend Control products were defined for unique characters: Stephanie 8 and Monique 8, but you didn't have them installed. You may install the characters or just ignore the messages... or deactivate (e.g. by Turbo Loader ) these DSF files.. (ES8 Angry Smoother.dsf , Smoother M8 R.dsf)
The most reliable editor software is EmEditor, IMO... I've been using it for years to resolve all these stuff... You can easily convert strings like %20 to unicode, switch encoding, change format by language, quick search and mark ... etc., like the screenshot attached... anyway it is a powerful tool..